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Kris, I can only answer a question with a question. What country would he be coming back to?

In my opinion, most wars conducted by the US (and I could be wrong in this assesment) are against either direct threats to the US in some way or as a result of upholding treaties with other countries. Either way, refusing to serve for your country puts one less soldier in the wall of defense for that country and allows that wall to crumble that much more.

What if fate had him as the spec-ops member who would take out Bin Laden within the first year of the war?
What if he was the pilot who accurately bombed Hanoi and changed the course of peace talks?
What if.....?

I understand the moral angle. Sgt. York was also faced with that. But render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's. I just don't believe that the US goes to war strictly because we hate "brown or yellow" people (as some would want you to believe). Its defense, so that you can have morals and a country.

Just my 2 cents.

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