Forum clock running slow?

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I noticed tonight that the time shown for a post I made, was one hour behind the normally displayed UK time. I posted at 22.47 hours, and the time shown on the post was 09.47 pm.
Not a major problem, just slightly puzzling, as this hasn't happened before.
Yep, it is. But it sometimes helps to see the times of posts, so that you know what's current or new.
We changed our clocks two weeks ago, and the displayed post times were correct then - strange. For some reason, the forum time is normally approximately five minutes ahead of actual UK time, but that's not a problem. The hour 'slow' is just puzzling.
Just noticed that the clock that records the time when something is posted is about an hour slow. Might it be connected with the Error problem as well?


Edit...apologies, didn't notice Terry had already reported this.
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Looks like the clock is right now. I had bumped my setting 1 time zone to the east to make it read right, but tonight I noticed that My time was an hour off meaning the forum clock was right again.

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