In a far off corner of a hanger across the airstrip from the EAA museum we located this thing of beauty. She was the main reason we toured the museum only to find out she had been relegated to an outbuilding for a few days because of an awards ceremony taking place at the museum. This is Kermit Weeks, B.35 Mosquito and she has been on the ground since the early 90s I believe after having been flown to Oshkosh for display. She is now far from airworthy I'm afraid but still looks the business just sitting there. Bad enough they had her tucked out of sight but they also had her positioned to make decent photography impossible. Still it was great to see her again. Last time I saw her was in 1988 when she came to Hamilton Ontario to fly in the CWH air show. I wonder what Av Specs could do with her?
As with most relics like this, show up with a cheque and Avspecs would get her flying. So far they have only made FB versions so some change to their fuselage moulds would be needed. Most likely they would strip off all metal parts and rebuild most if not all of the wood new.
No longer airworthy but still looking good is this MiG 15bis registered N15MG. She was parked behind a row of buildings with an F-86, a Mig21 and an F-84 all of which will one day make an appearance in this thread. Something way back in the furthest reaches of my memory I seem to think that this is the first MiG 15 I ever saw fly but as to when or where I could not say. Then again, that part of my brain also recalls when I was single, had money and could drink 10 beers a night and feel good the next day!