The German army in 1940 was an odd mixture of old and new, motorised and unmotorised. Its mobile elements were more motorised than mechanised, with only 1 battalion our of 9 receiving half tracks. The artillery suffered the worst, some was fully motorised and others were horse drawn.
The motorisation pools were used mostly for "strategic lifts", with the halftracks used close to the front and mostly for rough terrain work.
The infantry was also another anomaly. The 30 odd wave 1 divs were for all intents and purposes motorised formations. They are often quoted as having just 700 or so vehicles assigned to each division but in reality each of these front line divsiions included or had assigned to them around 2000 vehicles per div.
Moreover the level of horse drawn transport was very generous. These front line divs had in excess of 6500 DAs attached.
There were bottom feeder units that existed at the other end of the spectrum. Some of the hastily formed 500 series divisions had no MT and perhaps 1000 horses attached. Frequently they did not even possess radios for communication, or even engineers to lay field telephones. These formations were even less combat ready than the "B" series French reserve units.
There were 4 fully motorised divs in the heer in 1940, in addition to the Panzer units. Panzer Div 6 through to 10 were the Leicht div conversions and were equipped for the most part with a disheartening array of captured and ex-czech equipment mostly, including truck parks of distinctly questionable reliability. There were the equivalent of two SS motorised divs and 2 or 3 independent panzer Bdes. There were further several independent Infantry support groups equipped with some distinctly dubious experimental types. There were several SIG tracked vehicles, which I think were independent units attached 9as opposed to assigned), to larger tracked formations. Finally there were a number of TD units, essentially pz mk I chassis with a captured Polish 47mm ATG bolted onto the chassis
The heer went to war with basically 650000 vehicles in May 1940
For an excellent overview of german military production issues I would recommend:
Germany and the Second World War (Vol V), edited by Germany. Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt
You can get a bit of a peak at this publication via this link:
Germany and the Second World War