Friedrich-Karl (Nasen) Muller's Fw190

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von hahn

Airman 1st Class
Aug 2, 2008
Hi all.

I'm building Friedrich-Karl "Nasen" Muller's FW190A-6 (Green 3), JG300,and was just wondering if anybody has any photos of this aircraft they could share?

I'm going by the profile art in the Osprey Aircraft of the Aces series "FW190-Aces on the Attack", but would really appreciate any pics, profiles or info on this particular Aircraft, Green 3.

I'd trust the Eagle cals over anything else, although pics are what you really need. terribly boring looking a/c but that is really what you would expect for the time in Fw's in the NF role.....nothing spectacular looking anyway as no-one will notice
Müllers so-called G-10 did not have a sm installation according to his own words and it had mg 131's and a 3cm through the prop hub..... no 2cm weapons. he never flew an Fw 190A-6 in NJG 11 either

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