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Very cool. Looks doable....Academy kit (if it has the glass on the sides) home-made decals, neat invasion stripes though messy around the wing roots and for the most part, standard camo. Just need a serial number
Very cool Paul. According to the B-17 Nose Art Directory no photo of the "Duchess of FUBAR" Having said that, I have found two photos of other aircraft that were said to have no photos. As for 42-32108, it's not even listed in the book though to be fair, the book was printed in 1996 so other info could have surfaced since then...

By a coincidence, that town was made two months after I was born. Now....we just need a decal maker to get on it with that B-26

I am at work now but will look through books for the nose art and see if I am lucky to find it

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