Hi DonL.
We may or may not agree on many things, but I think the Fw 187 had very good potential. Not sure of the actual facts since I haven't seen the references, but would not disagree at this time. I believe the Nazis were led by an idiot who would not believe the very professional German generals, didn't follow the lead of Prince Von Metternich for a positive march toward peace, fostered competition among his force leaders, and put the Luftwaffe in the hands of a person who was both a poor leader later in life as well as a drug addict.
It was a recipe for disaster and resulted in same.
If he had followed the advice of the professional leadership and had instead simply rebuilt the German economy despite the treaty of Versaille and put Germany into a position of international leadership, which was certainly possible given the money and resources spent on war materiel and WWII in general, it would have resulted in a much better Germany and better world. I have no idea if the Fw 187 would have ever been a success in this world or would even have been needed, but I like the plane and the potential shown. Too bad Hitler didn't stick to art ... who knows, he might have done well at it. I have no idea who else might have been the German leader but, whoever it was would have been preferrable to reality, given the facts.
Luckily, it is all 65-70 years ago or so and we can look back and wonder, but really have no factual idea of the reality of the times until we talk with people who were there and lived it. I have and sympathize with the average German who was trying to live at the time amid poverty and food shortages. One of my friends was an older woman who was a Luftwaffe aircaft spotter when the war ended. At the close of the war she was 16 years old and recalls the times quite well from the perspective of a young teenager. She was Johanna Melin (married and American soldier and wound up here in Arizona). We also have a volunteer at the Planes of Fame museum who was a teenager in the Netherlands when the war happened and recalls hearing the launches of V-1's as well as seeing dogfights. He later flew for the Dutch Air Force in Meteors, Hunters, and the F-104. When he left the Air Force, he emigrated here and worked for JPL in California dn participated in the Space Shuttle program. Yuri Van der Voode.
The stories they tell were heart wrenching. Sorry anyone had to live through it.
From the point of view of a US citizen born in 1950, the Fw 187 is hard to credit with anything other than being an interesting prototype since they built 9 and cancelled the plane. From the point of view of potential, I can believe it was better than the Bf 110 or the Me 210 / 410, but have no way to decide if it is better than, say, a Tempest ... I doubt it, but could be wrong. There are not any OTHER twins better than a Tempest as far as I know.
So, the potential could be great or merely better than the Bf 110, which it surely was.
I hope you can understand that point of view ... I'm not trashing things German, I am stating that no other twins were as good as the late-war single engine fighters, except maybe the Mosquito due to simple speed and the difficulty of seeing it coming on radar. It wasn't faster or better ... it was AS FAST hard to intercept because of short notice, irregular routes to targets, and the difficulty of seeing it on radar due to wood construction.
So the Fw 187 seems interesting, but not a world-beater to me, based only on the population of twins it would have competed with. The Mosquito and Lightning, late models, were near the top and we have no evidence the Fw 187 would have been as good or better except conjecture. The combat record won't prove anything with only 9 machines built and flown, but may give an idication. The data simply isn't there for a meaningful comparison.
I fully understand it being a favorite of yours just as I like some of the not-proceeded-with American and British aircraft. We can think they were great (think Martin-Baker MB-5 and XP-72) ... but ithey were not to be.
I'd rather get togther and share some beer and Sauerbraten than fight about things that happened 70 years ago!
Cheers to you.