FW-200 C-1 Condor (1 Viewer)

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Do you know a way to attach the places I have highlighted?View attachment 800840

These were hinges with a kind of clamps/buckles attached to the inner rings going around the engine. These clamps could be dismounted to remove the cowling panels fully or after removing the hinge axis one of the sections only. A quite similar system to these used for the Fw 190 and La-5/La-7, IMHO.

the pic source: Triebwerksintegration – Focke-Wulf Fw 200 "Condor"

the source: the net.

Was the part I circled removable?
The parts behind the engines were made of the four stringers and pressed bulkeads. The front bulkhead was of the full type while the inner ones were bottom opened because there was the recrating main landing gear housed. The bottom part was closed by the wheel bay doors. The side and top covering of the section was rivetted.

the source: Fahrwerkseinbau – Focke-Wulf Fw 200 "Condor"
What were the fairings attached to? Bolts or rivets?
In the pic you may notice that the rivets aren't visible. These bolts can be found ... and these can't be the rivets because how the gondola section would be accessed in order to dismount.

I'm not talking about that anymore -_- Throughout the fuselage of the plane there is a vertical row of rivets and a horizontal one. What is the horizontal row attached to?

I'm not talking about that anymore -_- Throughout the fuselage of the plane there is a vertical row of rivets and a horizontal one. What is the horizontal row attached to?
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That almost looks like a twinned Hurricane in construction.

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