For my farther work I needed to make a pattern for the accessing panels of the outer MG151/20 cannons that were on the undersides.These on lower surfaces of the model wing are of incorrect shape totally. For that purpose I bought a can of beer and made it empty by drinking ( quite tasty was ).Then I cut open the can and made the aluminium plate flat.Second step was to use drawings that I printed on the adhesive transparent foil.The panel was cut off and sticked to the plate.Then using drills I made some holes and cut down the panel with a scalpel razor.For finishing edges and getting a proper shape I used files.
Not especially Terry.But I don't suggest any glue, paints etc.. drinking.
Thanks Jan and Marek.
Here next pics of the work progress.The first step was to sand off these panel projections.Then I used Superglue as a putty to fill the wrong panel lines.
I agree with Marek, you are the best company and I don't want any other.
OK. Here a couple of shots that show the work on these panels to its end. The next step was sanding the Superglue with
a nail-file and then engraving.
For that I used a thin needle and the Trumpeter engraver.Two last pics let see the effect of this.
Also I started making corrections to the main landing grear bays..the first step was to remove "interiors" of the wheel bays......a couple of pics here.