Galley Equipment/Standard or "Added Extra"?

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Oct 26, 2021
Hello All,

Again, one of my basic, but curious and useful questions for my own development, and I hope you all don't mind me asking.

I am trying to build a picture of what sort of standard, and additional, equipment types, be they insert or loose loaded, jets tend to carry.
I appreciate and realise that some things will be exceptionally owner specific
Galley equipment, but in more general terms, what different types of jet carry.

So, I wonder if some would be so kind as to tell me what type you operate on, and what equipment your galley has? Ovens, microwaves, beverage maker (including type, i.e. regular airline style "pot" machine and or Nespresso or similar...), chillers (small, medium, large...) etc...

Again, I know this is pretty basic stuff for some, but for someone with limited access to aircraft, having only been on a CL604 on a few occasion, I just want to build up better knowledge of different types and their ability to cater for the cabin.

thanks in advance for any help
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