GB-47 1/48 P-61A Black Widow - WW2 D-Day and After - Western Front

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Be careful when you start chipping. As much as I like Vallejo, they are more prone to chipping than other paints and you might go through the top colour and then the Vallejo down to the primer
This is why I used the Model Masters on the other, Gonna see how it goes so you can see how it goes!

Let me start by saying DAMN!!!!!!!!!

Well now that that is said. I wasn't happy with the results I was getting in several different ways. The wings which I had painted in the Model Master Metalizer Aluminum and then the Vallejo OD and NG were ok save that the acrylic would not adhere to the lacquer and if it was touched would chip away and the Vallejo metals would wash away when trying to chip them through the the acrylics on top. This I kinda figured on. So I decided to strip it all down and start again, figuring I would black base and then laquer pre shade with the MM aluminum and then add the Vallejo top coat on. Well that's where I really screwed the pouch.

I pulled out the Testors acrylic paint striper and already knowing it would take off enamals, I figured I'd see if it would take the laquers off as well. IT WILL, AND IT EATS PLASTIC AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I'm throwing out the rest of this $*&^!

It ate into the plastic on the wing crazing it down. Can I recover? Maybe but at this point this is going to be set aside and I'll work the 335!
Nasty but not too bad. Some wet sanding and priming before a black top coat should finish it off fine. I'd suggest ditching all that pre-shading and silver undercoating. Stick to the primer and black then apply chipping using a silver Prismacolour pencil. A lot simpler and equally effective.
Ugg! That does not look good luck with it Don. Not the sane thing but the situation reminds me of the first time I used Alclad. Somehow it reacted with the primer (even though I used Alclad primer) and cracked all over the place. It was years before I went back to it and stripped off the Alclad, and re-sprayed, and its still sitting on the shelf of doom unfinished

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