GB-47 1:72 Spitfire LF.Mk.XVIe - WW2 D-Day and After - Western Front

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Brigadier General
Dec 17, 2007
The back of beyond
User Name: A4K
Name: Evan
Category: 2 - Intermediate

Subject: Supermarine Spitfire LF.Mk.XVIe OU-V 'Rongotea' (TB675), No.485 (NZ) Sqn, Fassberg, Germany, April 1945.
Kit: Eduard #2117: Spitfire Mk.XVI Dual Combo (Limited Edition)
Scale: 1:72
Accessories: PE and masks (included in kit)

While waiting for my Dinah book to arrive (for GB.46), decided to do this bird. She was the personal mount of W/O Murray Lind (NZ428129).
Murray Lind

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Cheers Andy and Wojtku!

The Dinah definitely won't be ready before the deadline. Anything coming from America usually takes around 4-6 weeks (atleast) to get here, so it will be some time yet before I get that book. Need it to make an accurate build though.

So that's where this guy comes in - small, all the details you'd ever need, an essential piece in my kiwi collection (though I'm not a fan of the type), and a huge source of spares for a few other builds you'll see later on...
Cheers Wayne!

Just ordered an Eduard PE set, which will enhance a few of the details (seat, rudder pedals, bomb racks, etc).
G'day guys!
No real progress yet sorry, was doing alot of overtime the last 2 weeks.

Just assembling and modifying the cockpit components at moment, especially the seat, which needed thinning on the inner sides. The PE seat looks great, but is missing the trough for the parachute.

Just noticed the other day that the starboard nose is missing (moulding issue), so I wrote to Eduard, and they are sending me a replacement. Many thanks to them for that!

Hope to have some progress made and pics up after this weekend!
Still nothing much done guys, too busy with work and family. (Being a perfectionist isn't helping either.)

I've booked a week off work at end of October, hoping to get some modelmaking in then.

BTW, modelmakers with young families: how the hell do you do it???!!!
Cheers Wayne and Andy. I need to learn how to juggle...

Like Terry Pratchett said: 'I don't want to get a life, it feels like I'm trying to lead three already'
Sorry guys, but giving up on this for now, no time. A major product at work is winding up, and my mate has resigned, leaving me holding the baby. Will be busy with O/T the next 2-3 weeks till it's over.

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