GB-52 1:48 Martin B-26 - Heavy Hitters IV

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Looking good! Those are the main intakes for the engine, the intake for the oil cooler is the large one at the bottom. Can't comment on weight for the 1:48 scale, but my 1:72 B-26B-2 required 5x 7g weights, 2 in each nacelle forward of the landing gear and 1 at the bottom of the cockpit floor, and that just barely keeps it from tailsitting. Granted, this is because I purchased the weights after the model was all glued up, which heavily limited where I could place them.

She's a beauty for sure! I'm not sure on the specifics, but many Marauder units in the MTO iirc seemed to remove the lower or upper pair of gun pods, or even just remove the guns but leave the pods in place. Might've been ETO, it's been a while. I recall that Milton Shupe made several versions of his B-26B-1/C for FS2004/FSX to represent all the variations of gun pod field mods.
Thumper II, 441st BS, 320 BG, 12 AF. 12 AF removed one and sometimes both package guns. Also, the B-26C-45 removed the fixed .50 in the nose. You will also note that there is a spent casing collector under the tail. Looks like the ammo feed chute is still visible for the lower gun?
Also, according to Wolf, B-26C-45s had their windshield wipers removed.
After scribing and sanding I had to do some more scribing on areas that the furrow was not deep enough. Next as my subject only has the higher cheek guns I cut the mount howls out to mount then and pulled out the set of Master .50 cal gun barrels. These are pretty nice. I think they add to the kit so I'm happy.

The set I bought sates it is for the B-17 but for the cost, around $27 USD, it is really a good buy for any bomber or for that matter, any project. I wont be using all the guns as the plane does not call for all.

next I cut of the existing plastic gun tube and drilled out the hole. This caused the front alignment stud to have to go as the Masters barrel needed to go in quite a ways.

A dab of SG tp hold the cooling vents to the barrel!

and getting the alignment correct.


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