GB-58 1/48 Beaufighter Mk. IF - Night Fighters all Eras

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While other things are being fiddled with I started on the wing gear wells.
Destructions for doing then. Both sides use the same parts, (two duel sprues with the same parts) ust a slight reversal on mounting. here are the process albeit from both ger wells.
Save for 31 and 28, their opposites are 32 and 28 which is the completed side below.

Turquoise completed red not so much so.


Not so much so............

I ran EZ thread though the fuselage and was working it to the tail... All going well.

Than I was gluing the upper nose and this was the one fit issue I had noted in all the dry fits. It required a lot of pressure which I could only get my hand to had (well pressings thumbs together) could not get any kind of clamps or rubber bands to hold it. THAN MY THUMB SLIPPED and broke off one side and I can't find it.....

Oh so not happy right now..
Idea! Step back and take a photo of the top surface of your work bench, post it, and have a 'where's-waldo' type part hunt?
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