GB-58 1/48 Beaufighter Mk. IF - Night Fighters all Eras

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I never thought to do that. I picked up a Ventura 2 and paid a little more than I wanted. Trying to support the only shop left. I may try that Monday if I find anything. A big selection.
I never thought to do that. I picked up a Ventura 2 and paid a little more than I wanted. Trying to support the only shop left. I may try that Monday if I find anything. A big selection.
He gives me a "military discount " but if prices are overt, I'll ask. Hey if you never ask the answer is always no.
I'm looking for a B18. He did not know there was one. So we talked little about the Bolo. Maybe a Camel Comic Night fighter.
He had a interesting selection of new in shrink wrap AM kit's, a bit surprising to me. B-18 Bolo ? Hum don't recall seeing one before.
Ok! Doctor Slaughter to surgery, Doctor Slaughter to surgery!

I taped off the "cut" section on the patient and puled out the razor saw. BUHHH HHAAAA HAAAA!

Then the donner !!!!!!!!!!!!

Cut down to the gun port as that is cover by the wing.....

Let the transplant begin.....

Well some clean up to do and still the issue at the top but one thing at a time...

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