GB-58 1/48 Beaufighter Mk. IF - Night Fighters all Eras

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I'm going to try to fix the missing light, not sure why but I'll clean up all the PVA globed in and I cut of a stem of clear plastic, this should be fun...

View attachment 726466View attachment 726468View attachment 726467
If before you cut the clear spru, taper the end to fit in the hole.
Then cut the spru, with a PE saw blade so the flat end is rather smooth of the get go!
Then with the finest sanding stick you have give it a polish the flat end before gluing it in.
I ususaly drill the back end of the light and stic some black in the hole for the filament of the light.
You'll get there.
Mr Bill to the rescue.
Well now that was almost painless. Thanks to the smarts of Mr. (Wild) Bill, it was fairly easy task.
I took one of the studs and useing my glass file (I keep loosing because it's clear (blue arrow)) and just worked it around.

Using a PE saw I cut the stud off (Attached to a sticky tip), I then wet sanded it down with 2000, 3000 and 7000 grit sanding sticks.

painted the back with chrome and super glued in place...

Not even 15 minutes work...
All hail Mr. (Wild) Bill.......
Crikey Don, you done, about these sticky tips, give us the griff (what are they and where from).
Crikey Don, you done, about these sticky tips, give us the griff (what are they and where from).
They are called Quick release, I find then(or found them) at Hobby Lobby. You'd have to look around I guess. You stick something to it and it holds on until you twist it off. Sometimes they aren't all they are cracked up to be because they HOLD ON... You have to make sure what you're attaching is ATTACHED....

The vilot arrow has nothing on the yellow has a clear stud attached. It ain't a going nowhere!

They com in the container attached with a bit of plastic, just pick one and twist... They are good for two maybe as many as four but they loose the stickiness after a couple applications. .I've see folks do the same thing with toothpicks and tape. which may work as well but I've never gotten a good feel for it. Normally I the wone with the tape all over..

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