GB 58 and beyond

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another input would be for WWII aircraft after life. Warbirds in use after the war both in foreign service and in country of origin service and warbird displays and flying commemorative display, air racing etc.. modified etc...B-26K "Counter Invader" F-51 and F-47N type... The B-10 was used in South America and was technically still in use in the US at the beginning of WWII.
OK guys, before you cats get beyond the possibility of being herded, let's formalize this a bit. I went back to our thread on how we put the last GB schedule together and I'll repeat it below, with a few tweaks. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE PROCESS!!!

1) We are going to pick, by popular choice, the next 8 GB themes. That way it will be a 2 year schedule that will take us to the summer of 2025.

2) Everyone who is interested in watching or participating in our upcoming Group Builds and who wants to influence the theme selection should propose a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 different themes that they would like to have included in our next GB schedule. If at first you only propose 5 themes, you can still add another three later.

3) When proposing a theme, please provide a detailed description of what your idea would include and exclude. It may be obvious to you but we've often tripped over theme titles and have had endless discussions about what the GB boundaries should be. For example, if you say "Desert Campaign" do you mean WW2 or can it include the Iraq war? If you say pre-WW2 aircraft, does that mean military, civilian, or both? Is a "Heavy Hitter" a 4 engine bomber? What about a P-47 with bombs? Etc....

4) This needs to be a collaborative process so have a look at what others have proposed. If you like one or more of the ideas already presented then go ahead and present the same again yourself. It's the only way that we will be able to see what the most popular ideas are. Don't think that because someone has proposed something you have to think of something new.

5) Once again, there will be no split builds. The 8 most popular themes will get selected for the schedule and the ones garnering the least "votes" will be turfed. "Votes" are the number of times an idea is proposed. I will track everyone's input and those themes with the most votes will be selected and put on the schedule. We will no doubt have ties and potentially a bunch of singles and so in that case we'll need to have a poll to break the ties. Some examples:

A. 2 ideas with 3 votes, 6 ideas with 2 votes and the rest with just one vote. The 8 ideas with 2 and 3 votes will be our selection.
B. 2 ideas with 3 votes, 8 ideas with 2 votes, and the rest with 1 vote. The 2 ideas with three votes will be in our schedule. The ideas with single votes will be thrown out and the 8 ideas with 2 votes will be placed in a poll to have the 6 most popular selected for the schedule. Everyone who has proposed ideas will be asked to participate in the poll.
C. 12 ideas with 2 votes and the rest with one. The single vote ideas will be thrown out and the 12 others with 2 votes placed in a poll to select 8, similar to B.

As happened last time, if there are some similar ideas, I will probably look to combine some. This will broaden the scope of the original ideas a bit but will serve to get more interest in a theme if it is chosen for the schedule. I think we had over 50 different ideas proposed last time......

Alles klar?

Now I have to go find my spreadsheet as I seem to have misplaced it.
My 8 picks:

1) "Zombie Build" - Back from the dead. Resume and finish any aircraft model that was started and abandoned whether in a previous GB or not. Must be an aircraft but can be any type, any time frame. EDIT: Anyone who doesn't have a "zombie" can enter a new-build of any military aircraft, any era.
2) "Stormy Weather" like Don proposed.
3) "WW2 Eastern Front" WW2 aircraft serving on the Eastern Front between Barbarossa and the German surrender. Includes northern Finland.
4) "Carrier and Maritime Patrol Aircraft WW2" pretty much says it. Includes aircraft in WW2 markings that flew from carriers, sea rescue planes, maritime reconnaissance planes, or planes that were involved in anti-shipping operations.
5) "Night Fighters of WW2" Aircraft in night fighter markings during WW2.
6) "One-trick Pony" as Geo porposed.
7) "Early WW2" as proposed by Don. Includes aircraft serving between Sept 3, 1939 and the end of October 1940.
8) "WW2 Ground Attack Aircraft" Aircraft in WW2 markings fitted out for tactical support of the ground troops. Includes tank-busters, fighter bombers, Stukas.
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Hey PlasticHero PlasticHero

Sorry I was late with the process definition but now that I've posted it above, can you repost your ideas please? You have thrown out 13 good ideas and that's great but can you whittle it down to 8 please? A couple that I'd like to suggest we throw out:

1) "The Long Haul" will play Havoc with our schedule as I think the majority of our entrants finish within the 4 months alotted. If they are forced to wait another 4 months for the next GB to start they'll loose interest or enter more subjects and the judging will be a nighmare.
2) "Build a base any era" - sorry but us poor judges have no uniform method to score such a subject. You are welcome to create a base for your entry but it will need to separated for the judging pictures.
1) Stormy Weather
2) one trick pony (any mustang including twins and any thing afterlife, racers) forgein service!
3) night fighters (ladies of the night)
4) ww2 aircraft after life (as I said) wwii aircraft after wwii, as may have been modified for wars after WWII or in civilian use.
5) zombies
6) carriers maritime patrol
7) early warbirds mentioned above
8) Recon- ( I would like this open era from as early as you can to present day, any Recon type. BE2 to SR-71 and beyond. NO WHAT IF"S)
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I found my spreadsheet which will save me some work. Anyone interested in looking at how the 59 different ideas stacked up last time can have a look at the attached file. Feel free to grab an idea from the summary but keep in mind that, if it got zero votes then it will likely not pass the cut this time around either.


  • GB 50 to 57 Vote Summary.pdf
    236.6 KB · Views: 37
A question about your 7 point ( Early WW2 ), Andy... why the 3 September 1939 but not the 01.09 ? The two days make no difference IMHO.
I found my spreadsheet which will save me some work. Anyone interested in looking at how the 59 different ideas stacked up last time can have a look at the attached file. Feel free to grab an idea from the summary but keep in mind that, if it got zero votes then it will likely not pass the cut this time around either.
Choose any one of those at random and that's it.
As a non-competing time waster, I have contributed.
I have revamped my list on page 1 to reduce choices to 7 and support other choices offered. Could I ask that choices that aren't specific WWII be clairified to be only WWII or all eras? And then could I ask for more all eras???
1) Stormy Weather
2) one trick pony (any mustang including twins and any thing afterlife, racers) forgein service!
3) night fighters (ladies of the night)
4) ww2 aircraft after life (as I said) wwii aircraft after wwii, as may have been modified for wars after WWII or in civilian use.
5) zombies
6) carriers maritime patrol
7) early wards mentioned above
8) light bomber ground attack

I'm with Don. So count me in as a dupe of his list EXCEPT #2. Insert ;Most dramatic/colorful camo' schemes i.e.:


Ohhh that is a nice suggestion Ralph.
I like it too but it's kinda subjective. I can see all the posts coming - Is this one colourful enough for the GB? Is this scheme dramatic enough? If someone choses a Blue Nose Mustang, who's gonna say if it's colourful enough? Maybe have a minimum number of colours, excluding national insignia? Need more definition Ralph Haus Ralph Haus

I have revamped my list on page 1 to reduce choices to 7 and support other choices offered. Could I ask that choices that aren't specific WWII be clairified to be only WWII or all eras? And then could I ask for more all eras???
Thanks PlasticHero PlasticHero , I have your 7 choices now. You can ASK for more all eras but guys are going to propose what they propose. See my item #3 in Post 28.

GrauGeist GrauGeist are you going to add three more suggestions to make up the minimum 5 or hope that someone picks up your ideas. I've not recorded them yet.

Mainly28s Mainly28s , please provide more detail to your earlier post. No era is mentioned and you say Reconnaissance twice. Also, Ive got 6 picks from you, including Zombies and you can do two more if you want.
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