GB-59 1/72 Mitsubishi Ki-15 'Babs' - WW2 PTO V

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Yeah guys.
For this kit, I am going to make the canopies open, using the combined 'good bits' from 2 canopies, plus scratchbuilt sections where necessary.

One canopy will be used as a pattern to try Wojtek's idea of vacforming. If that works, I will do vac canopies for my son's Ki-15-II, my C5M1, and a C5M2 for my daughter.
G'day Joe, thanks for looking in here!
Haven't read it all yet, as this build is on hold at the moment, but am VERY impressed with the amount of information you were able to collect for this book. Answered all my questions regarding details.
Jesse (Viking1066) told me your Pt.1 of this book is amazing too, I can't even imagine how long it took you to research all this!

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