GB-63 1/48 P-38 Lightning “Glop Glop”– Stormy Weather

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Sounds like a pain. In theory, the decal should be cut as a semicircle to fit properly but don't ask me to do the math! Tamiya bendy tape masks might work as well.
I've been working on masking of the red tail markings and the OD anti-glare so I can get some silver paint in. The anti-glare on the inner sides of the engine cowls is some of the hardest masking I can remember doing. It's just very awkward getting to it, and took a couple of hours over 2 days to get it done, but now it's ready to spray the first shade of silver.

Floquil old silver first, then mask off various panels and spray on Floquil bright silver. I've been using this system for almost 20 years and am very pleased with the results I get. The paint is tough and I've never used primer. Unfortunately, Testors stopped making Floquil a while back, but I stocked up on it back then and still have a few bottles of it stashed away. Wish I had done the same with the original formula Future.
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