GB-63 1/48 Tempest Mk V – Stormy Weather

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Senior Airman
Jun 19, 2015
South-East UK
Username: Mainly28s
First name: Olaf
Category: Intermediate
Scale: 148
Manufacturer: Eduard 84170 (Weekend Edition)
Extras: Decals to represent a captured/rebuilt machine in Luftwaffe colours

I'm adding another Tempest to the list of aircraft being worked on for this group build. As I needed to find something that fits both my personal collection and the group build, it's a captured/rebuilt machine as flown by Hans-Werner Lerche in 1945.

EJ709 was delivered to B.82 Grove, Holland, in October 1944, for assignment to 274 Sqn. On 15 October F/O G.T. Kennell (RNZAF) flew an armed reconnaissance mission over Münster in EJ709. At circa 11.35 he was hit by flak and crashlanded 5 miles S/W Wageningen, survived the crashlanding and was taken Prisoner of War.
The aircraft was salvaged by 2./Versuchsverband O.K.L. and ferried to Finow, where the damage was estimated to be 15 %. At Finow, the Tempest was repaired with parts of a Tempest which was shot down at Thiene near Hesepe on 29 December 1944. The repair of EJ709 was finished on 4 January 1945. Hans Werner Lerche, a Rechlin test pilot, ferried the Tempest to Rechlin at the end of January. In his book "Luftwaffe Test Pilot: Flying Captured Allied Aircraft of World War 2" he writes about testing Tempest EJ709. Because of problems with the engine the testing was fraught with problems, but Lerche made test flights with the Tempest, which was still at Rechlin, in mid-April 1945. The fate of EJ709 is not known.


As I only have three of the digits of the Stammkennzeichen (T9+ K), it will only be "mostly" complete. It's only a conjectural finish based on the fact that one was flown, and what similar aircraft were marked up with, as there are (as yet) no actual photographs available.

I've managed to assemble the first few steps along the way- next up, painting what I've done so far.

It's a nice, pleasant kit to build so far, except for the numbering on the sprues, which I find I'm struggling to read in quite a few instances, as the numbers seem to blend into the sprue a little.

I've managed to assemble the first few steps along the way- next up, painting what I've done so far.

It's a nice, pleasant kit to build so far, except for the numbering on the sprues, which I find I'm struggling to read in quite a few instances, as the numbers seem to blend into the sprue a little.

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George's statement about 'looking busy' is an understatement to be sure. I'm just now, after a week, getting all of those small parts cleaned up and attached where they need to be. Wow, there are a bunch of them. But they do fit well, as intended. I'm not seeing the upper areas of the cockpit walls in flat black? Going with a 'builders choice' since anything could have changed after capture?
That would be because it's not painted at all yet! That's today's mission.
Sorry , my error. But I do need to complement on the cage being all together, no broken ribs. Mine, not so lucky. Should have done dry fitting to a better detail. The cage, in my opinion, not only super detailed, but better suited to yoinger hands.

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