GB-63 English Electric Lightning F.2A - Stormy Weather.

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Looking good Graham, and you should get a replacement canopy without problem from Airfix.
One minor point - the ejection seat on the Lightning was normally black (might be black, but looks grey on my laptop screen).
You know my gut feeling was it should be black but the instructions called for Humbrol 165 which is medium sea grey. Not hugely impressed with Airfix's colour call outs !
It's possible that Airfix went with the later colours, when the cockpit changed to a mid grey colour on the F3 and F6, which were originally black. However, as far as I know, the seat was still black, originally with a sandy brown parachute "head box"pack and seat back and squab cushions, later changed to a mid olive green colour.
For your period, I'd go with black for cockpit and seat, and the sandy brown parachute pack in the top of the seat.
I'm still in Norfolk at the moment, so don't have access to my photo files or library until after 30th September, so I can't post example pics.
I wish I had seen these pictures sooner ! I just went with what the instructions called for. I can't see how I can fix it at this point without making a mess of it. Fuselage is all glued together. ugh !
Well I got a hold of Airfix and they are sending me a new canopy. I painted the one I have just in case the replacement doesn't get here on time. It's also ready for paint but all my silver and aluminum paints were mud. Ordered some Alclad aluminum and dark aluminum. New stuff for me so I'll see how it goes. Still have not decided if I will repaint the ejection seat.

My paint order arrived last week. Gotta give John a shout out at Magic box Hobbies in Vancouver ! I live in North Delta south of Vancouver and not that far. However a rafikki tour across the lower insaneland in horrific traffic is not my bag so I get it shipped. I'd rather pay the shipping than endure the brain pain there and back ! So I laid down the first coat of Alclad and so far so good. Nice product. I ordered two shades of it so I could vary the tone of the silver or aluminum on various panels. Not sure so far how it's working out so it's kind of experimental. Painted the landing gear using AK acylic laquer. I also added some thin wire for brake lines.


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