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Airman 1st Class
Apr 5, 2007
Hi all, I have recently found this forum while doing a search for aircraft blueprints.
I have been interested in WW2 Aircraft for ages. I am a keen modeller and collector of reference data. Though from what I have seen so far my attempts have been meager at the least.

I am currently cleaning and sorting 6,000+ P-40 factory drawings into a set of modelling plans (I dont need nuts and bolts ). Then I plan to build a 1/16th scale model of the p-40M, RAAF Kittyhawk III.
Thanks for the welcome gents.

Heinz, its a huge task m8. All the drawings are only labled by roll letter and number, so far I have cleaned them all and i'm currently re-naming them with their factory drawing number and name. 4,000 to go.

Wildcat, I haven't decided yet. But, she will be RAAF PTO.
@ DOUGRD multimedia M8, mainly laminated cardstock with whatever is needed for structural integrity (ally, brass, litho plate, plastic, piano wire etc.)
@syscom3 I had a look but couldn't find it in your threads, can you give me a link please.
If its Rojas Bazan's work. I wish

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