General Vo Nguyen Giap dies aged 102

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Nope, not a bit. Try hard to respect ALL soldiers but.... I saw close up and personal what the NVA did to POWs. And I know any left alive after 75 were executed.
So my respect does not stretch quite that far, my belief that only the good die young is comfirmed
The scars of that war run very deep. I was not directly involved in the war, but I had mates who had, and its cuts certainly ran deep.

The scars also run deep for the vietnamese people, and we should not forget that. Giap not only fought the Americans. He fought the French, then the Japanese, then the French again. The Japanese were unable to defeat him, and his victory at Dien Bin Phu is celebrated for the brilliant military victory that it was.

Giap fought the Americans (and Aussies) which included the pivotal victory at Tet. Like him or loathe him, he is a man who fought for his country and defeated all who opposed him.

I agree with John McCain "a brilliant military strategist who once told me that we were an honourable enemy".

Giap deserves respect as a soldier

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