Geneseo 2013 Air Show

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Thanks fellas for all the nice comments. Geneseo is truly a must see air show for many reasons. The biggest reason is the setting. A grass airstrip surrounded by farmland is a setting that cannot be beat in this area. Entry at 6am, no ropes or other barriers between you and the aircraft, they start flying at 10:00am and keep going till nearly 5pm. BBQ dinners on the Friday and Saturday night. A USO themed dance Saturday night and I could go on and on. Anyhow, on with the pictures.

This B-26, yes B-26 as opposed to an A-26, was flown into Geneso about three years ago and has not turned a prop since. It is owned by MARC, the late Dave Tallichet's outfit and is based at Genny and is towed out to the display area every show and then towed bak into the hanger. I am not complaining just a bit sad that a flyer has been allowed to sit and such a rare beauty to boot.


Great photos Jeff. I should put Geneseo on my "to do" list. It's only about two hours away. Last time I was there was years ago. Everything you say about the ambiance is right on: It's a fantastic show. When I went, I got to go inside a B-17 and a Ju-52!

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