George S. Patton....

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there was rumors that JFK survived but was mentally and physically impaired. he was seen several times sitting in a wheelchair on a yacht out at see in new England and the coast of FL. there were a couple of others who supposedly faked their deaths and were living in some obscure community away from the public eye....

and I agree there are nobodies who want to live forever in history....but those are lone gunmen or small groups that aren't associated large political/religious/military entities....
Yeah, even *if* Kennedy survived the attack, it would be extremely unlikely he had any quality of life.

The damage to his brain was pretty evident just by reviewing the film. Brady was a vegetable for life just with the minimal damage done to his brain by the .22 bullet that travelled along the interior of his skull when Reagan was attacked.

Agreed, I have an uncle who was a neurosurgeon and you may (or may not) be surprised at how little it can take to totally mess up a human brain if the damage is in the wrong spot. Also surprising is what you can survive (with minimum effect on life) with damage to your brain.
I know that place:
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