Germans demand apology for allied bombing raids

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"The best place in the world would be where the clocks are Swiss, the cooks are French, the cars are British and the girls are Swedish.

The worst place in the world would be where the clock are Swedish, the cooks are British, the cars are Swiss and the girls are French."

Just remembered that I read that somewhere a while back. :lol:
The 'Swedish blonde' is the biggest cliche ever. I don't think I've even met a Swedish girl who looks the way they're portrayed in porno flicks.

The ones I've known were all completely bats though, which makes them quite endearing in my view.
I really do think though in my mind that the bombing of the cities of Germany did save Britain from some of the horrors that Germany had prepared for it. Germany was working on a Fighter, Bomber and a Fighter-Bomber version which was almost operational at the end of the war. Had it indeed become totally operational, it would have tipped the balance of power Germany's way as far as airpower goes. How do you defend against something, that is difficult to see on your radar screens? The bombers relied on radar to give them the information on attacking fighters. A plane like the Horton Ho-229 would break down that defence and be able to swat Allied bombers and fighters from the air easily. The only thing that may have prevented this horror was the need to concentrate production on the Me-109, Me-110 varients and Flak guns to protect the cities. This is a worst case scenario of what seems the most likely thing that could have happened to the Allies. So what little production the Germans had left had to be divided between equipment for fighting Russia and equipment for protecting German Cities. My argument all along is that the bombing of German cities may have saved a lot of Allied lives, and potentially been a factor in the winning of the 2nd World War in Europe.
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
"Adler seems to think he's the only one who has any German blood in his viens. But the fact is he only apparently has one side of this conflict flowing, and he is standing up for them when they do not deserve to be stood up for."

Okay first of all, I am not standing up for the Nazis. I am standing up for the German people. Some one has to because you think to seem they are all Nazi's. I am not trying to downplay any role that any German made in WW2 and I am certainly not denying anything. I have personally visited the concentration camps of Dachau and Auschwitz. They are a very horrowing experience and they show the atrocities that were made. So I am deffinatly not denying history. As for you family in World War 2 that lost there lives in concentration camps I am deeply sorry for that, there is no excuse for what happened to them, but do I blame the German people for that? No. I blame Hitler and his hatred. I too lost many family members in World War 2 that were German and they too were good people who fought for there country like anyone else would have done. As for Germany not standing with the US on the War against terror, get your facts straight. German soldiers are in Afganistan, Djibouti, and Somalia. They did not agree with Iraq but hello news flash. The War in Iraq is not part of the war on terror. It was even being planned in February of 2000 and earlier. Long before Sept. 11th. So please get your facts straight. And as was just said this discussion can go on and on forever and I dont care to argue with you anymore because you will never see my point of view. I understand your point of view and happen not to agree with it in my opinion and that is my right as a free person. If you dont like that TOUGH!

I'm not saying they should have agreed with US about Iraq, I'm saying they should not have stood against us in the UN. I understand your position, but I really think that Germany and Frances positions are based upon specific individuals who stood to loose if Iraq was invaded. Right or wrong (and I don't support it either), it was clear the USA was going to invade Iraq, and given that fact Germany and especially France should not have stood in the way of having this be done under the UN banner. The price of this action is high - the UN is now a defunct entity. When the USA pulls part or all of its funding of the UN, which I expect to happen within this Administration, it's finished.

Again, I have (former) German relatives on both sides. I have sat in another room (as a child) listening to them talk with one another and seen the truth of the matter. I don't think any German can claim any level of honor for their participation in WWII, unless they tried to stop the Nazi's.

I do see your point of view. I just disagree with it is all. Until you watch the documentary "Shoah" I simply cannot respect it because you are refusing to learn the truth of the matter.


As for the Swedish girls, they are awesome. But the blond thing is a misconception. I dated a swedish girl once and when I first met her I thought she was from Mexico and not from Sweden. But Swedish chicks are still awesome. Now I have to finish reading the posts so that I can answer to those too.

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