Germans demand apology for allied bombing raids

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I too do not believe that the Germans should demand an apology but also again I dont really think that they asked for one. All I am saying is dont believe everything you read.

Dont think locking the thread is fair on others, issuing warnings will be enough 8)
Please also remember that the Germans were given repeated warnings, as were the Russians on their actions. These parties chose to ignore those warnings. So for that matter did Sadam, one Gulf War and crippling sanctions to his country did nothing to encourage respect within him for the International Community. If anything they made him more bitter. Ultimately it would have good to have seen him removed in 1991, but as they say better late than never. He was using the International Community against itself, and manipulating it. It seems France is fully within the power of Sadam. Wonder whether the US and Britain should be investigating the French as they were the most vehmently opposed to the Iraq War this time. Maybe they have something to hide... A dirty secret perhaps...
I can tell you one thing. Most of the crates here on the old abandoned Iraqi Airfield where I am serving right now are written in French and have Paris written all over them. These crates contained Missles and other weapons. Weapons were strictly forbiden to be sold to Iraq under the UN sanctions but somehow they ended up in Iraq. I wonder how that is? I think the French were so much against the war because they did not want there arms dealing to be found out.
My guess is that some German group, not the government, is asking for the apology. But they don't derserve it because of Germany's conduct during the war. Had Germany never fire bombed London or other British cities, never razed Polish and Russian cities and towns, never committed atrocities agains the Jews and other ethnic minorities, and in general conducted the war in a civilized manner, then they might have a leg to stand on. Since they didn't they don't.

As for Iraq, well there are a lot of issues here. I think we in the USA should be very upset about Bush's having taken us to war on the basis of the existance of WMD's when in fact there weren't any. But this does not mean we should not have sought regime change, just that the President should not decieve us about why he is doing something.

There is a lot of hippocracy in the whole war in Iraq and against Saddam. We supported him when he was using WMD's against the Iranians and we looked the other way when he used them against the Kurds. We gave him much of that technology because we didn't like Iran.

We didn't take down Saddam and try to occupy Iraq in the first gulf war for the reasons stated by Pres. Bush Sr. in a 1998 Time magazine interview:

In his book, "A World Transformed", he says pretty much the same thing, and points out that there was "no viable exit strategy".

As I see it, the problem with the war in Iraq is it assumes the Moslim's will want and support a Western style democracy. However this is in conflict with the teachings of Islam, which support either a relgious theocracy (ala Iran) or a religiously based tribal monarchy (ala Saudi Arabia). Islamic law is so constrictive it leaves little room for what we call "freedom".

For these reasons, I believe in the end, Iraq will degenerate into a civil war, if it has not already (that's an issue for debate). The country is too divided on to many basic issues, and there is too much wealth at stake.

The big problem is that if Iraq does degenerate into civil war, it is likely to spread to the other west friendly Arabian and Islamic states. It would not surprise me to see such a civil war touch off civil wars in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, possibly Jordan and other middle eastern contries, and maybe even re-ignite the war in Afghanistan. And a the same time, there is an effective civil war going on in Chechnya, the Ukrain is on the brink, and Russia has undergone a coup from the top with Putin reverting that country into a dictatorship. Civil war in these other places may lead to civil war in Russia.

This is a dangerous time.


Well as for no WMD's have you watched the news. In Falludja they have found anthrax. Sadam did have WMD's, please trust me on this I have seen eneogh things over here that prove to me that he does however he had plenty of time to get it out to other countries like Syria. The border is so porus that you can not contain it all. Trust me he had the WMD's. As for Bush I think his greatest fault in this war is the fact that he has no exit strategy. We will be here for many years to come and in the 1 and half I have left in the army I expect to return to Iraq atleast one more time. As for the country breaking out in civil war it basically already has and I only see it getting worse. The area that I am in is predominatly sunni and they do not except the Sheites and they are constantly fighting and then north past the mountains near Turkey you have the Kurds who have there own official army and they want to reclaim Kurdistan. It is very volotile here right now at the moment and there is no end in site. Do I feel it was unjust? No I believe in what we are doing here.

But Pres. Bush claimed there were 1000's of tons of chemical and bio weapons. This has pretty much been proven false.

It's not a matter of just or unjust really. The issue is what will the consquences be? If it does turn to civil war in Iraq that spreads to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and perhaps other countries as well, the cost will have been tremendous and nothing positive will have been accomplished.
Pres. Bush is playing a very dangerous game, and I fear he does not appreciate the mentality of the Moslims and the Islamic faith.


I too am not really a Bush fan, hell I voted for Kerry, however I dont expect you to fully understand it unless you have experienced Iraq for yourself. And as for the 1000's of tons, please just trust me they were here. I have been to former chemical weapons factories here and seen what was going on for myself. As for the muslims I do not wish to offend anyone because I believe a man is made up what is in side of him and not what religion, race, or nationality the man is. However I do have to say something about the muslim and islamic faith, they demand that when you come to there country you have to be like them and you can practice your faith or way (now I know that is not all muslim or islamic countries) but when they come to other peoples countries they expect them to go out of there way to allow them to practice there ways. In some of these middle eastern countries you can not even think of building a christian church however when they tried to build a mosque in my mothers town in Germany and the city counsel denied them the building permit they screamed descrimination and nazi and threatened to protest violently. Ofcourse in the end the mosque was built and now at certain times of the day over loud speaker you hear muslim prayer blasting through the town. I think this is wrong and I am not saying that it is the peoples fault but as for the governments of these nations they too do not respect or appreciate our ways. I hope I did not offend anyone by this statement I was just making some observations.
the lancaster kicks ass said:
well it's good that the iraq is free from sadam...............

Agreed. The shame is that he was not removed back in the early-mid 80's.
I am sorry that you feel that way Kiwi but you know what you are entitled to that opinion because you are free and you have felt freedom your whole life. The Iraqis have never felt that freedom and now they can. There are now comedy stations on TV here in Iraq that they were never allowed to have, they can now go to any schools that they want, they can now sell what they want. The can now be free and when I see the children smile and I see these things, it makes me feel good and we did the right thing by coming here. And as for the WMD everyone knows that he had them and if you truely believe that he didn't then you are blind my friend. When you go and visit the ruins of the Kurdish village that he gassed and killed over 10,000 people then you would see that he was ruthless and would use gas again on other people if he could, he did not care about human life.

Chemical weapons have a shelf life, typically less than 10 years. None of what Saddam used on the Kurds was still viable in 2002.

I've worked side by side with Palastinian, Iranian, and Pakistani expat engineers. Probably the most enlightened of Moslims, and still my conclusion is that Islam and democracy are really oil and water. The Koran tells them how to rule, our idea of democracy is just not compatable. If we can establish democracy and freedom in Iraq it will take a full generation for it to take root. But I think this unlikely, I expect civil war within a year.


I never said that the weapons he used on the Kurds were the same weapons he had today. All I said was that the man would have to heart ache about using them again on anyone. He had no heart or consious and he is going to burn in hell or werever they go to in there religion. I do agree on the civil war though, I expect that to happen it is a powder keg right now waiting to explode.
OK GUYS,IF ANYONE IS THERE - im cute corporal(a chick that loves wwII stuff).now, i dont know too much about the details of all this, but i still form my basic opinion - the german soldiers were just carrying out orders - same as the english - we would demand apologies because they are germans bombing us - just as they do - there!matter simplified in two minutes!looking for youngish guys to talk to from this site (40 and under) about the second world war and various things related entirely to it.IM CUTE BUT I HAVE BRAINS SO TREAT ME WITH RESPECT - I ONLY WANT TO LEARN MORE!

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