Germans demand apology for allied bombing raids

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going back to stupid stuff read this

A man who was trying to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs made the .38-caliber revolver discharge, deputies said. Jerry Allen Bradford, 37, of Pensacola, was charged with felony animal cruelty, the Escambia County Sheriff's Office said Wednesday. Bradford was being treated at an undisclosed hospital for the gunshot wound to his wrist, said sheriff's Sgt. Ted Roy. Bradford said he decided to shoot the 3-month-old puppies in the head because he couldn't find another home for the shepherd-mix dogs, according to the sheriff's office. On Monday, he was holding two puppies, one in his arms and another in his left hand, when the dog in his hand wiggled and put its paw on the trigger, making the gun discharge, the sheriff's report said. The revolver and a rifle were seized from the home, deputies said. Deputies found three of the puppies in a shallow grave outside Bradford's home, Roy said. The other four appeared to be in good health and were taken by Escambia County Animal Control, which planned to make them available for adoption. "That should never have to happen," said Bruce Rova, director of the Escambia County Animal Shelter. "There are so many options people have. We'll try to find them a new home."
On a side note: I heard this report on the radio, on the way home from work this morning. It stated that, the people at the shelter had dubbed the puppy that hit the trigger, as "Quick Paw McGraw" :=)
I didn't speak of cold war neether of what have many nations offered in the world. I think you all misunderstood me. I spoke of war penalties. I said that such penalties are "offered" only to the defeated sides. I mean that there is not always the good guy that wins a war.
Moreover I believe that every war is bad for any reason. I believe that there always exist an optional solution. (e.g. removing Saddam from Iraq )
I apologize if I sounded offensive in my last post.
DerAdlerIstGelandet I did not say that dictarship is a good thing.
HealzDevo I understand and have read about coldwar very well
No offense taken
(I'm not from Germany I just have chosen this flag because I love bf-109 and Fw-190 so forgive me)
And I think you're an absoulute Moron, not to mention a Collossal S c u m b a g....

Who in Jesus F u c k do u think u are to come here to this peaceful little place, with your Whiney Ass, Pacifistic, 13 Year Old views, and spout off your political opinions..... Talk about Aircraft of WWII if u wanna contribute something..... Not this crap.... I almost vomited while reading ur twisted and unfocused dribblings.....

Freakin Hippies.... I hate the whole lot of em.... This Idiots probably gay too.......
rebel8303 said:
I believe that there always exist an optional solution. (e.g. removing Saddam from Iraq )

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot ?

Do you really think that, you freak ? An optional solution to remove a dictator from the country he is ruling ? There is A LONE way to remove a dictator : TO KILL HIM !

Do you really think that you could make Saddam leave Iraq by singing "Give Peace A Chance" ? God damn ! This guy tortured AND murdered thousands of civilans that he suspected of treachery ! Do you really think that he would have left ? In this case, I'll have to agree with Les and say that you're a freaking moron.
And I agree with what less and all of you said and that is the main reason that I believe being here in Iraq right now is not a waste of time. When I see the children finally getting things they deserve it puts a smile on my face and I know that it is good.


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Now now children play nicely. I accept ho you feel on the subject (i feel the same) but it isnt necessary to shout abuse at someone for expressing their opinions - everyones entitled to one.
The fact is Rebel I doubt in some cases there is an optional solution. Sadam would never go if the International community just told him to go. He has thumbed his nose at the International community before. It is sentiments such as that that allowed Hitler to grow strong. May you learn more before you express such pacifist sentiments. Sadam had to be gone before he did even more harm to his people. The longer he was in power the longer and deeper he hurt his people. The question is how long it will take Iraq to recover from his rule. With him still in power however there would be no chance of the country ever recovering. Oh, it will recover for the rich, but the real test of a regieme is how it treats those poor people and how many of them there are. Only a very small percentage of the population is getting a lot of the wealth. The food and money shipments that were meant to aid the people of Iraq were getting diverted. Sadam has total control and while a dictator has total control there is no other solution but to get rid of that dictator in the best way possible. In this case Sadam is merely in prision. He wasn't shot. This means that he has a long time to think about the crimes he has committed. These acts of Sadam's were sanctioned by the country. The country's police and military were involved. With the scope and scale of what has been uncovered, it would be naive to think that Sadam was just an innocent victim of some renegade police or military officers. This was widespread corruption of human rights!! Most people agree that Iraq is better off without Sadam. I just have difficulty accepting that with what you read that you doubt these steps were necessary. Evil flourishs where there is no one ready to step forward and tackle it. Once tackled and beaten in its own way it finds it hard to survive. This is what has happened. The US genuinely believes in other nations exercising truth and honesty, and respect in their dealings with other nations, and their citizens. Both Sadam's Iraq and the Soviet Union didn't exercise this and therefore that in addition to their actions is why they fell foul of the US. Don't forget Sadam appeared on TV soon after September 11 praising the highjackers!!! He was pleased that such an occurance happened!!! He and his potential hidden guerilla warfare fighters were happy it happened!!! I am assuming that Sadam expected to fall and therefore set up the guerilla fighters during the period at the start to harrass the US and destroy them with sneaky methods.
Urm, that's the case in almost all conflict scenarios.
Countries don't go to war for no reason - its expensive, ties up your resources,
and if things go badly - for whatever reason, it will almost certantly finish a leaders political career.
However, if there's no other way, a responsible leader won't shrink from it.

It doesn't matter that no WMD's have been found - there were some ominious things going on, and you don't take chances with WMD's. Ever.
What Gulf War 2 has achived is a message to other pariah nations. Look how quickly Lybia have wanted to renew diplomatic ties again.
And as for Iran and North Korea - well, they know what will happen if they don't take steps to placate the west.

It's up to those leaders to decide if they want their statues pulled down. But one thing is clear, those regimes are living on borrowed time, one way on another.
Which will be a good thing.
Les Maestro,

Please deal in a civil manner with others. Rebel is certainly entitled to his opinion EVEN IF IT DISAGREES with yours. And leave the bigoted comments about Gays out of it too.

Let me be clear, anymore of this and I will lock this thread and issue warnings. got it?

evangilder said:
The worst part is that they are demanding an apology from the Queen, but not the US President. Both the RAF and the USAAF pounded Dresden, RAF at night, AAF in the day. I guess they probably realize if they asked Bush for an apology, he would probably tell them to kiss his Texas ass. 8)

US daylight raids targeted industry. British night raids targeted the city in general, mostly with incendiaries. So the request being directed to the Brits but not to the USA makes sense.

Even so, it's a bunch of crap. The German's fire bombed London and almost every British city they could reach. They have no grounds to complain. The Japanese have a more legitimate argument about the US firebombing of their major cities.



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