getting to know the real cute corporal... (1 Viewer)

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I don't believe you, and you don't use water to clean up sick, you used domestos and lots of it.
I don't know if I should associate them with me because I can't remember anything that's happened with me. What I do know is I've never been arrested, so I'm either good at not getting caught or I don't do that much wrong...
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
The best soft drink is Mountain Dew. The most sugar and 3 times the amount of caffein that is in a cup of coffee! And the taste...... THE TEARS OF THE GODS!

Whoever designed that obviously had a picture of me on their desk and said "I know, lets design a drink for that bloke!"

Where can I get some? 8)
I dont know it is a US drink and they also sell it in Hungary and Germany now. I buy mine at the commissary on post where I work because the German stuff just does not taste the same.

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