Girls and Aircraft - Volume II (15 Viewers)

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Nicole Whitehead. Playboy Playmate and Bizjet Pilot. And y'all are not old enough to see any more than this..

She is a flight instructor, also. Does anyone know if the same instructor can sign you off for both BFR and MHC?
View attachment 529153
Does anyone know if the same instructor can sign you off for both BFR and MHC?
Daddy, what are those? Are those the things when you and mommy and are screaming at each other at night?
Nicole Whitehead. Playboy Playmate and Bizjet Pilot
Does Playboy have Learjets? She looks like a Learjet pilot. I love Learjets. Those long , slender wings with the tip tanks prominently presented. The sweeping, grace curves of the fuselage that lead to the fanjet engines that provide all that wonderfully powerful thrust to touch heaven. The small, well developed tail section and finally back up to front of the nose...where the pilots sit. Wait, what was I saying? Never mind. "I'll be in my bunk..".
And y'all are not old enough to see any more than this..
60 going on 13, thank you very much! (snickers quietly)
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