Greatest aircraft ever?

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Over here, Its Spitfire. Nearly everyone knows about the Spitfire. The odd person might know about the Hurricane and Lancaster though. The Bf-109 is reasonably well known also, except they just call it "The Messerschmitt" ;)


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It would be good for lake fishing too! :D

("Sea F-18" is kind of a play on words. Canadian Air Force F-18's are called CF-18's. Get it? :rolleyes: )
I would go with the DC-3/C-47. That airplane saw service in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. It is still in use today by some companies to haul cargo into the colder recesses of Canada, where jet fuel turns to jelly in the cold. When it was originally designed, one of the requirements was that it would be able to fly with one engine and land okay. To test it, they took off and flew an entire flight on one engine!

Granted it wasn't an elegant fighter or bomber, but when it came to hauling troops or cargo, it was always there and in some cases, still is! I'm a big fan of the Goony Bird.
You have a good point there Evan, how many aircraft designs can boast a working life of seventy years like the Dak. What gets me even now (externally) it doesn't look like a design thats that old (Brilliant) and a war record that is unmatched in the field of logistics.and thats before you look at its Puff roll.


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