Greatest military blunder of WWII

Greatest military blunder of WWII

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Ignorant. Wow. I thought everyone was entilted to an OPINION. The fact that you do not agree does not neccessary make me ignorant. How is it that a whole nation followed a man that wanted to exterminate an entire religious faith (apparently got 6 million)? Ignorance? Arrogance? Fear? Self-righteous Indignation? Blind obedience?
Maybe they just didn't see letting any other OPINION have a chance or give it a germ of credence. After all majority rules and might makes right.
BTW Marshall was the plan man after Japans defeat.
Question. Why was McArthur considered a hero when he lost a whole US territory when Kimmel and Short were ostracized for losing the fleet at Hawaii?

I don't think many words really describe you. Arrogant is one of them. Bizarre is another.

You're ignorant, because you obviously never heard of the versailles treaty, which is a great example of what happens if you treat de defeated country the way you described: you'll get another war. The US didn't make that mistake at the end of WW2 and we must all be glad they didn't.
We've been at peace with that country for 62 years now.

Far from a blunder.


The Germans in WWII tried to destroy the UK's industrial base through droping bombs they failed...

Yet 62 years of peace has left it in a far worse condition

Shooting war.... economic war.... spot the common denominator ?


The Germans in WWII tried to destroy the UK's industrial base through droping bombs they failed...

Yet 62 years of peace has left it in a far worse condition

Shooting war.... economic war.... spot the common denominator ?

Boy your a freaking optimist - I'd hate to see you at a suicide prevention clinic.

Marcel, you are right. I was thinking the same thing last night before I went to sleep. The board is where these things are tossed around, analysed and generally considered. It's a good thing to take a decision apart, ramifications considered. We all post here because we like doing it and......snnnnoooooorrrrrreeeeeee

Well, I had a good thread going in my head before I fell asleep.

I don't believe the call of ignorance is based on your having an opinion but the caliber of the opinion. If you were to go on to an astronomy board and declare the moon was made of cheese, the same thing would happen.

As for your question, it is a good one. My guess would be the loss of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor negated War Plan Orange's early design. There was no fleet to come across the Pacific and relieve or resupply McArthur. Hence, his loss was less unexpected.

Further, the McArthur publicity machine was running at full tilt. The US was running into defeat after defeat (Java Sea, Wake Island, Guam, ect) and the last thing we needed was another, relatively famous, General turning out to be a loser. Especially one that ran Public Relations as well as he did. If he had been a dud, he would've been eased out like Ghormley was during the Guadalcanal Campaign. But he turned out to be pretty good, if vain, in running the War in he SW Pacific.
Adler, just for fun and games...

The above poll has settled down to three major responses. Barbarossa, Pearl Harbor and Hitler Declaring war on the US. Is it possible to break down the responses based on Nation? Not on name, but where a person is from. It might be interesting.

Hitler and Stalin hated each other. It was only a matter of time before Stalin invaded Germany so it really did not matter.

You would have to start the poll all over again or go through each one and see what country they came from. Sorry but I dont want to take the time for that.

No you are correct, you are entitled to an opinion.

Would you like to hear my opinion?

Your opinion was pretty ignorant...

I am sure just about everyone here will agree with me.
Question. Why was McArthur considered a hero when he lost a whole US territory when Kimmel and Short were ostracized for losing the fleet at Hawaii?

It might have something to do with the defense at Bataan when the US Navy had no option but to let the Marines and Army fight and die. Usually when you have lost complete control of the Sea and Air and subject to overwhelming odds on the ground and ponded from sea with zero hope of rescue or re-supply - folks will forgive.

I could be wrong.

He did conduct a masterful strategy in recapturing lost ground and the Phillipines with losses less than Normandy campaign - in contrast with the horrific losses the USMC took under Nimitz (and NO I am not taking a shot at Nimitz - just different approaches in isolating and destroying the Japanese.

It is sometimes hard to imagine that 8th AF, and USA (each) at the Bulge, had about the same number of casualties as entire USMC during WWII... and all three a lot more than McArthur's losses.

William Manchester, as a Marine, expressed his contempt and disdain for McArthur prior to researching American Ceasar but came away with enormous respect for him after he wrote his book.


Say what you want about MacArthur, but his success's after his defeat in the PI negated all his short comings and vanities.

You might say that in May 1942, he knew exactly what needed to be done to defeat the Japanese and implimented it with astounding efficiency.

He`was the one I voted for..
Thanks for the well thought out answers. On the same note, What did Wainwright think of MacArthur? (after) I remember seeing old news reels that showed Mac had him on the Missouri for the signing, didn't he?
Before Dec 7th, '41, General Macarthur was a Field Marshal in the pay
of the Phillipino Government...Having already retired from the US Army.
Hence the fancy Cover (Jarhead for 'hat') he is always seen in.

Has anybody in here ever heard of the of the Morgenthau Plan? Makes
an interesting counterpoint to the Marshall Plan...

Morgenthau Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, heard of the Morgenthau plan. Something cooked up by a guy name Henry Morgenthau, Head of the Treasury (I think, going on memory). Pretty much neutered the German state. It was one of a bunch of ideas floated that had no real chance of realization.

On the down side, Goebbels got hold of the outline and used it as a propaganda tool. Bummer, it was a dud idea that was more useful to the Nazis than anyone else.

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