Gripe Whinge

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Chief Master Sergeant
Dec 20, 2003
Ipswich, Suffolk
I've noticed that quite a lot of you guys get hot under the collar about various matters (well I do anyway) I thought it would be nice to put them in a thread.
I shall start the ball rolling with these.
People In checkout lines who pay for £3 of goods with a credit card.

Shopping trolleys left in parking bays.

Cars not parked between the white lines in parking lots.

People who flob (spit) everywhere.

Chewing gum all over the sidewalk.

Stick on price labels that need a blow lamp to remove them.

People who rush off of airliners to the baggage reclaim then stand 2 inches from it with a trolley and their entire family while you have to battle through the herds to retrieve your suitcase that has arrived first.
People who stand at the cash point thinking that an extra zero is going to appear on the balance if they stare at the screen long enough!
Great thread! Heres what angries me.

Patronising teachers

People who contradict themselves (My dad for example..."oh Daniel dont be such a baby.." then next minute "Oh come on Daniel your a grown man now")

Crazy Frog

Over cautious people

Learner Drivers

The French

Im sure ill think of more.. ;)
People who think it's okay to have a full-blown conversation on their mobile while you're trying to serve them!
Toilet doors that you have to pull to open when exiting, handles could be full of germs from people that didnt wash their hands and you have to mess them again after washing yours... (This is a regular gripe of my dads)
Oh, People who renew, and keep on renewing the very book you need from the university library!

Jesus wept! Does it really take four weeks to get what they need out of it! :angry5:
Medvedya said:
People who think it's okay to have a full-blown conversation on their mobile while you're trying to serve them!
I hate Mobile phones Med and because they ain't fitted with side-tone everybody shouts down the things and its usually to tell someone where they are or what colour Knickers should they buy or worse still in the middle of a restaurant describing how great aunt Hilda's hemorrhoids are playing up again. :evil:
Medvedya said:
Oh, People who renew, and keep on renewing the very book you need from the university library!

Jesus wept! Does it really take four weeks to get what they need out of it! :angry5:

Oh hell yeah! I've actually had to scrap entire esseays befor now for that very reason :angry5: And heres the rest of my gripes...

People who take ten minutes to get a fiver out of a cash machine.

Militant feminists - I'll believe in sexual equality when you buy me a round! (I dont object to feminism per se, just the really bolshy ones)

Militant anarchists - If you hate authority that much, why do you hand your essays in on time...and ride around in daddy's BMW? (Same proviso as above, Im left-wing meself, but the really bolshy ones just get on my nerves)

People who order a drink at a busy bar, get the drink...and then just bloody stand there having a chat! Get out the way, I need beer!

People who have a go at me for liking heavy music, and say "Rock music is music to slit your wrists to." Two reasons for this: First, I like my music with a little intellectual/emotional content...I mean, what the hell was 'Babycakes' about? And second, the people who say this to me are usually wearing slashed jeans and a t-shirt and have the new System Of A down album on thier iPod, cos those things are cool. I was wearing slashed jeans and litening to System when I was sixteen, and I got battered for it!

And my absolute biggest hate ever....all the posers at uni who think they're too cool to work and look good cos they're failing. I know people who would kill to come to uni...get these morons out and give the places to people who can make something of themselves!

Thus ends my rant :lol:
Ring tones....ah where to begin. People who think it's okay to try out each and every ring tone on their sim card at maximum volume in a public place.
forum members that make asses out of the themselves and need a good kick in the ........


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Personalised number plates, where they have to disguise something to spell out their name - I.E a strategically placed yellow rivet to convert an '8' into an 'O' or, bending over part of a 'N' and combining it with an 'I' to make an 'M'. For the really thick twots who still can't get it, they write their stupid name underneath anyway! :lol:
Girly girls in general. Im not into my butch types at all, but girls who are 21 but still giggle lots and have thier rooms all done in pink scare the hell out of me. Im 21 for Pete's sake, I grew out of girls like that at 14!!!!! :shock:

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