Gripe Whinge

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On the other hand - girls who suffer from depression and just lurrve telling everyone chapter and verse about it all the time!. Groan as they spill their guts recounting the occasions when they play Mozart's Requiem at 3.00 am as a sop to their self indulgent angst. Not impressed.
sounds by your previous post not just girls but women/men......come see me for counseling............please !

bitch, bitch, bitch, yes it is fatiguing alright
Political Correctness - the best one I've heard recently was 'Differently Abled'

Hmm, If personally I was in a wheelchair and someone described me as 'Differently Abled' I'd run over their foot!
Medvedya said:
Pink? My room? I'm with B.T on this - at the moment there's a BSA motorbike in pieces there at the moment!

Mines got bits of an Epiphone SG scattered about, a couple of guitar amps, a grand-and-a-half worth of hi-fi, and that is cranked right up playing some of the heaviest metal known to mankind. Cutesy girls dont last long in here! :lol:
Well here goes.

I hate:

People that look over my shoulder when I am reading.

People that look at my computer screen while I am typing.

People that pretend to be real metal heads but really are a bunch of high school punks that actually like P-Diddy or Celine Deon but where the Metallica shirts and the black make up to think they are cool. I HATE POSERS!

(sorry I got carried away on that one there ;) )

I hate our Maintenance Company, they dont do shit!

I hate girls that where clothes that they really should not be wearing like a 300lb girl wearing a tube top showing her stomach!

I hate ignorant people!

I hate people who are too cowardly to come out and fight instead using terrorist means!

I hate poloticians!

I hate tabloids!

I hate gossip!

I hate Rap music!

I hate people that think they are no it alls but instead really are biased assholes!

ah Politicians yes how about a mad Dobby on their back.

FAT chicks in lycra......arg terrible visual and a much too common site here in southern Oregon home of the Platonic Sphere. Every time I come upon a beast as thus I want to play one of the big tractors beepers when they go in reverse......
eekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ................... BarF ! Fat chicks in Camo.....

yes i fully understand, what are they thinking......

they aren't
and how old are they.... ? probably shouldn't have asked.

Mossie man :

a good hint to your neighbor

shut up or else; make shure u use pointed boots


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Medvedya said:
So you guys wouldn't like a nice plump lass to feed you and keep you warm in winter then? ;)

:shock: Only if she could open a ketchup bottle with her tounge and wear a long dressing gown :lol:

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