grumman F8F and TBM avenger wing fold mech.

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Thanks for the pics. That was exactly what I was looking for. The extras of the trim tabs are nice too.
again thankyou.
Hi Grumman Cats, I am following up on one of my earlier posting since it relates to your request for Avenger folding wing joints ! I have recently come across a section of wing that was accidentally dredged-up from the ocean floor nearby my summer residence on an island in Casco Bay ,Maine. There supposedly was an Avenger that crashed near our island during the closing months of WW2 killing the pilot (only person aboard) and disappearing beneath the waters without a trace ! The mutilated wing section has been retreived from it's beach resting place (where it has sat for the past 20 yrs) and cleaned-up as much as possible ! I'm no expert in ID'ing Avenger wings,but the similarities between the photos posted in this thread seem very similar to my piece ! I have taken several dozen photos of my cleaned-up section and would like to have some other opinions from you and other readers from this website ! Thanks for any help ! Bruce


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