guys from Canada did you ..........

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the old Sage
May 20, 2004
Platonic Sphere
know about this event during WW 2 ?

I knew of the Eastern board Atlantic crossings by U-boots but forgot just how far north into Canada they went in search of prey - Articles
Yes we know about it. In Canada it was fairly well known about to most people who know about WW2. Like the artical says the "battle" had little importance in WW2 and was more politcal in nature. The different parties in Canada used it to critize our PM at the time. Political BS in Canada like every where else there is politics.

It makes a better story than anything, it was unimportant to the WW2 war effort. It had zero effect on the war. If it had been important we would of guarded it better (dispite being over stretched at the time).
maybe, and it was more than one battle, it proved quite well in the beginning that Canada's as well as the US east coast defense's SUCKED BIG TIME
maybe, and it was more than one battle, it proved quite well in the beginning that Canada's as well as the US east coast defense's SUCKED BIG TIME

Totally agree.

I can totally see the people in Quebec along the coast be very nervous.
I've heard old guys saying they were well into St Lawrence River as far as Montreal but I've never seen proof of that far into the river .
I've heard old guys saying they were well into St Lawrence River as far as Montreal but I've never seen proof of that far into the river .
It's just possible, but personally I think they're full of sh*t. I dunno. Maybe, but why? Given that there were never any attacks made that far up-river, and the fact that the U-boat arm had their hands full as it was, in the middle of the North Atlantic. A good drop off for spies, maybe? I doubt we'll ever really know for sure.
I don't believe it either but thats what they recall being told but they were both stokers and probably were cleared to rumour as a security clearance

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