Had a B17 fly over my house yesterday

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Glad you got to see the B-17 in the air. I logged many hours in the B-17 during WWII and still enjoy seeing them. They were a work horse for the 8th Air Force. Hope they have one at our Air Show this year.
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Glad you got to see the B-17 in the air. I logged many hours in the B-17 during WWII and still enjoy seeing them. They were a work horse for the 8th Air Force. Hope they have one at our Air Show this year.

I assume you are reffering to the Wings of the North show at Flying Cloud. Haven't been to that one in a few years now. Have you ever been out the the Fagens Fighters Museum out in Granite Falls? Great museum, and this coming Fathers day Weekend (Saturday only) is their airshow. Have only been to one of their show, but it was awesome. In fact I may drive out there this weekend just to peak around, I hear they just picked up a Hellcat.
Wings of the North show is July 14-15 this year. They didn't have a B-17 last year so I didn't go. Have never been out to Granite Falls. At my rather senior age it is a challenge to go to any of the shows but am determined to make Wings if they have a B-17. Have a great day at Fagens Fighters

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