Hard runways in WWII (2 Viewers)

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 23, 2020
Did either the Allies of the Axis have many hard paved runways in operational combat use?

As a silly example (and please don't move this to what-if) did the Allies/Axis have the sort of runways we would now use to operate an F-16/B-52? Were they really landing DC-4s or Constellations on grass? And where ever they were landing DC-4s or Constellations, did they run combat ops out of those bases?
Did either the Allies of the Axis have many hard paved runways in operational combat use?

As a silly example (and please don't move this to what-if) did the Allies/Axis have the sort of runways we would now use to operate an F-16/B-52? Were they really landing DC-4s or Constellations on grass? And where ever they were landing DC-4s or Constellations, did they run combat ops out of those bases?
RAF class A airfields

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