I was surprised to see that the vast majority of Erich Hartmann's victory claims were for LaGG 3s, P-39, and La-5s, with a sprinkling of Yak-9s, P-51s etc.
Only very few Il-2 and even fewer twin engined aircraft were claimed.
Is this representative for the "mix" of Soviet aircraft that the average German fighter pilot in Hartmann's unit would encounter? Or was Hartmann for some reason concentrating specially on fighters, and letting other pilots in his formation concentrate on attack aircraft / bombers?
On a related note: I also know from various Luftwaffe pilot memoires that fighter missions over the Eastern Front usually involves small formations. Does anyone have any info, or would wager an estimate, of what the average formation size was? Rotte / Schwarm or bigger?
Only very few Il-2 and even fewer twin engined aircraft were claimed.
Is this representative for the "mix" of Soviet aircraft that the average German fighter pilot in Hartmann's unit would encounter? Or was Hartmann for some reason concentrating specially on fighters, and letting other pilots in his formation concentrate on attack aircraft / bombers?
On a related note: I also know from various Luftwaffe pilot memoires that fighter missions over the Eastern Front usually involves small formations. Does anyone have any info, or would wager an estimate, of what the average formation size was? Rotte / Schwarm or bigger?