Hasegawa 1/32 Fw190D-9

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Thanks for the comments! Over the past few days, I've made some progress on Red 1. I've added the starter crank hole and rescribed the panel lines on the gun cowling.


Primer was used to check the sculpt. Since too much sanding plugs up the riveting work, I won't apply the rivets to the gun cowling until later.




The Revi 16 gun sight has been painted. The optical lens of the sight was added using UV-activated epoxy. This stuff is really neat and has so many uses in modeling.


The cockpit has also been painted. Here is the seat before the HGW harnesses are put into place. I played around with several brown and tan shades on the cushion but most of the seat will be covered by the harnesses.


Here is the painted cockpit tub. Nothing fancy here... just brush painted the details on the Aires resin. I added a wire for the lamp on the left console. Some individual instrument dial decals were punched out and placed into anything that looked like an instrument bezel. UV epoxy was used to simulate the glass dials.




The rear deck after some paint... variations of grey were used to give the piece some visual interest.


Not much detail on the cockpit sidewalls. The circular canopy crank on the starboard side was a PE piece from the Aires cockpit.


A quick check to see how the painted cockpit looks when placed into the fuselage. I still need to figure out a good way to position the instrument panel. For the dry-fit, I just used a blob of Blu-Tack.


Thanks guys! Having trouble with Postimg acting real slow... hopefully the photos on this update show up.

I've cobbled together the HGW fabric seat harnesses. It's hard to see in the photos (if they show up at all) but they are green in color to represent the late war Orlon material. The assembly was alot easier than I remembered but I don't think anything has changed... maybe I'm just getting better at threading the small buckles.


With the harnesses mounted onto the seat, the cockpit is pretty much complete.



After a few rounds of dry-fitting the instrument panel, I was able to determine where to attach the IP to the cockpit tub. The IP was initially attached using CA glue, which provided a tenuous fit due to the sliver of contact area so I used White Milliput to beef up the connection from the back, which should be hidden from view.



A quick check to see how everything fits. The cockpit tub will inserted into the fuselage from the wing opening after the fuselage halves have been glued together. And before that happens, I want to add the rivets so riveting will be an upcoming task.


You can't just casually mention this thread elsewhere and not expect me to track it down :)

Great work John. I really like the way you are sorting through the aftermarket bits and using just what you like rather than slavishly thinking more is better. I'd love to add a Dora to my collection. Maybe one day.

Thanks for sharing. Lots of little tips to file away for the future.


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