Hasegawa's 1/48 Ju 87 Stuka B-2, D and R-2?

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Need some help here chaps! I knew that Hasegawa's done a B-2 Stuka, I didn't know that they'd done a D and a R-2 version as well....:oops:
Are these, the D and the R-2, their own molds, or are they some old ones bought over from another manufacturer?
What's the word?
Just thought that I'd add a Stuka to the "collection" or the "production line", remember building many blue moons ago in 1/72, while visiting my Granddad....

What's the main difference between the B, D and the R?


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R mark was the B type modification for loger range. The Ju87R was equipped with fuel tanks of bigger capacity in wings and two additional fuel tanks under wings.. D version was powered by another Junkers Jumo 211 engine J-1 ( Jumo 211Da for B and R versions) That's way the front part of the Ju87D had different shape from B and R Ju87s ( longer nose). Because Ju 87 D based on B type,the most of D-1 planes were equipped with the same main landing gear like B type.Later Ju87Ds got the landing gear of different shape. Starting from D-5 variant Ju87 was equipped with a wing of bigger wingspan.Of course there were other modifications introduced but these above were these major in the external view.
Thanks Wojtek! Might buy a Stuka later on, NOT doing Rudels crate, like everybody else! :lol: Looking for other pilots....

Lt Herbert Dawedeit, 8/St.G.-77 (5/40), SG-111, 9/SG-200 Ju 87.

Total 806 missions as a Stuka pilot. During the Battle of Sevastopol, he flew 120 missions, up to 8 missions a day. Huge successes against ground targets! 34 Tanks, Trains, etc.. Shot down six times, safely parachuted three of those times. Wounded once. Survived the war.

Hptm Erwin Peter Diekwisch, 9/StG-1, Adj. III/StG-1, 1/SG-5, Stfkpt 11/KG-200 (3/45), Acting Kdr III/KG-200 (5/45) Ju 87, Fw 190F-8.

At the end of the war, he lay wounded in a hospital in Hamburg. He and R/O Johann Trummer (RK 5/4/44) were known as "Flak and Tank Killers". 934 combat missions, destroying one destroyer, one submarine, two supply ships, 64 tanks and 5 important bridges. They were known to bail out successfully over Sicily.

Oblt Max Diepold, 9/StG-2, 8/StG-2, 10(Pz)/SG-2, Stfkpt 10(Pz)/SG-77 Ju 87G, Fw 190.

500 missions destroying 87 tanks. Max and Horst Görtler were the last two RK recipients in SG-77, awarded at Cottbus Germany airfield on 30 March, 1945, by Gen. d. Fliegers Seidemann.

Ofw Heinz Edhofer, III/StG-2, II/StG-2, 7/StG-2 Ju 87G-1.

700+ missions destroying 84 tanks with the cannon-equipped Ju 87G-1.

Obstlt Walter Enneccerus, /StG-1, III/StG-3, Kdr II/StG-2 (5/40 Siegburg, 8/40 Lannion), Kdr StG-77 (2/43) Ju 87B-2 Ju 87R in StG-2, Ju 87D in StG-77.

Channel pilot. One of the first Stuka pilots to receive the RK. Known as the "Ship Killer", he flew more than 200 missions mostly against the enemy in the West.

Hptm Ernst Fick, I/StG-160, I/StG-1, Flt Instr At Stykaschule, Stfkpt 6/StG-2 Ju 87.

KIA 27 July, 1942 during an attack on tank formations west of Rubeshniy, about 10 km northwest of Kalatch, 2 km west of the Don, when he was hit by flak and crashed in flames. 220 missions, rescued five crews from behind enemy lines or in no-mans land. Channel pilot with a direct hit on the Brit. carrier "Illustrious" and the sinking of a Brit. destroyer.

Oblt Helmut Fickel, Erg/StG-2, Adj. III/SG-2 (1/44 S.U.), Stfkpt 9/SG-2 Ju 87 in the Med. in May '41., Fw 190A.

800 missions. Shot down three times. On one ocassion, he and R/O Uffz Gustav Partsch were rescued from behind enemy lines by Rudel. His first known victory, a Soviet Il-7 on 30 January, 1944.

Ofw Ernst Filius, I/StG-2 Ju 87.

KIA 30 March, 1944 during an attack on Soviet tank formationd in the Yassy (Romania) area, when the AC was hit by flak. Filius tried to bail but his chute was caught. The bodies of Boerst and Filius were later recovered and buried in a joint grave. Radio Operator with the second highest mission score (1050) of the Luftwaffe. Erwin Hentschel held the record. He flew the entire war with Alwin Boerst.

Hptm Alexander "Alex" Gläser, I/StG-77, Stfkpt 4/StG-77, Stfkpt Erg/StG-77 (5/43), Kdr II/StG-77 Ju 87B, R D in Erg/StG-77; Fw 190F.

1123 missions including 500+ with the Fw 190. He was Kdr IV/StG-151 in Oct. 1943. His group, II/StG-77, flew continuous missions up to 8 May, 1945, and he was instrumental in preventing any of the members of II/SG-77 falling into Soviet hands.

Hptm Siegfried Göbel, 4(St)/TrGr-186, II/StG-3, Stfkpt in III/StG-3, Kdr Erg/III/SG-3 (5/43), Kdr I/StG-102 (10/43) Ju 87B,R D in Erg; Fw 190, Ju 87D in StG-102.

Channel pilot. Commanded I/SG-102 in June, 1944 flying the Fw 190F. Shot down 3 times, the third in his Fw 190 being taken into Soviet captivity on 19 March, 1945 near Balaton Lake (Hungary). He was returned from the Russian POW Camp after the war. 700 missions including the sinking or damaging of the British cruiser "Coventry", as well as 50000BRT of shipping. This may be Siegfried, next record.

Hptm Manfred Goetze, 4/StG-77, Stfkpt 5/StG-77, 8/SG-10 (6/44 S.U.), Stfkpt 8/SG-10 (1/45) Ju 87, Fw 190F.

KIA 4 January, 1945 following his 15th and 16th victories, when his Fw 190 was hit by Soviet flak near Papa Hungary."Nicknamed the "Lion of Banya Luka". About 800 combat missions. His first known victory, two Soviet Il-5's on 29 June, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 9 July, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 16 July, 1944. An R-5 on 23 July, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 17 August, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 6 October, 1944. A Yak-9 on 9 December, 1944. Three Il-2's (m.H.) on 23 December, 1944. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 24 December, 1944.
Oblt Erich Hanne, III/StG-1 (2/42), 7/StG-1 Ju 87D.

KIA 5 September, 1942 after atacking Soviet tanks and an AA position in Mikhailovskyi, northeast of Mga, south of Lake Ladoga S.U.. His AC took a direct flak hit. Hanne ordered his R/O , Ogefr Büchner to bail out, which he did. The AC went into a spin, trapping Hanne. 538 missions, destroying 16 tanks, 26 AA guns, 2 armored and 4 supply trains, 9 pillboxes and bridges.

Oblt Helmut Hannemann, 10(Pz)/SG-2 He 111, Ju 88, Ju 87.

311 missions; 77 tanks destroyed.

Hptm Wilfried Herling, 7/StG-2, Stfkpt 7/StG-2 Ju 87.

KIA 28 November, 1943 near the Bolsh-Kostromka-Nord airfield, when the returning unit was jumped by enemy fighters, and the Ju 87 of RK Holder Lt Hans Krumminga was hit by German flak and rammed Herling's AC. Both AC crashed and burned, killing both crews. 700 missions; destroying 26 tanks, 10 AA guns, 21 Field guns, 6 supply and 2 armored trains plus additional shipping damage.

Obstlt Paul-Werner Hozzel, Stfkpt 2/StG-1, Kdr I/StG-1 (9/39 Elbing, 8/40 Angers), Kdr StG-2 Ju 87B-2, Ju 87R in 12/41.

Russian POW until 16 January, 1956. Was the first Stuka pilot to receive the RK. Approx 400 close support and anti-shipping missions. Best known for the latter. On 16 January, 1941, led his Staffel against the British carrier "Illustrious" docked in Valatta harbor. Only he survived.

Oblt Otto Hulsch, 8/StG-1, 7/SG-1 Ju 87, Fw 190F.

KIA 16 January, 1945 in his Fw 190, being attacked by no less than 10 Il 2's, 6 La 5's and Yak 9's. His AC burned on impact. 600+ missions (exact number unknown) destroying 34 tanks, 8 flak guns and very successful at attacking trains.

Hptm Egbert Jaekel, 3/StG-2, Stfkpt 2/StG-2 (5/43 S.U.) Ju 87D-3.

KIA 17 July, 1943 during a dogfight with Soviet La 5's and was shot down after having himself downed a Soviet fighter. His AC crashed out of 200 meters and burned on impact. His faithful R/O and rear gunner, Ofw Fritz Jentzsh was also killed. 983 missions sinking a cruiser and destroyer in Crete and later a direct hit on a soviet cruiser, Minsk, in Kronstadt harbor. One known aerial victory, a Soviet Spitfire on 28 May, 1943. A 2nd, a LaGG-5 on 5 July, 1943. Nominated for the Oak Leaves.

Maj Karl Janke, 8/StG-2, 9/StG-2, Stfkpt 5/StG-2, 7/StG-2 Ju 87.

Approximately 500 missions destroying 5000 BRT, 32 tanks, 3 armored trains and 3 important bridges.

Oblt Hans-Joachim Jäschke, II/StG-1(2/42), II/SG-1, Stfkpt 4 5 SG-1 Ju 87, Fw 190F-8 Werk # 581002 "White A" (lost KIA).

KIA 21 July, 1944 during a strafing attack on columns on the road from Kleszcsele Hungary westward, when his Fw 190F-8 received a flak hit in the tank and crashed in flames at Map Quadrant 33/39.. 553 missions destroying 78 tanks, 27 guns, 100+ trucks and 11 bridges.

Lt Jakob Jenster, 7/StG-1, Flt Instr at Graz, 6/StG-2, 10 (Pz)/SG-2 Ju 87.

Soviet POW until September, 1949. Handed over to Soviets 16 May, 1945. 960 missions including 360 anti-tank missions, destroying over 100 tanks with his "cannon aircraft".

Oblt Wilhelm Joswig, 8/StG-1, StG-77, 9/SG-2 Ju 87, Fw 190F.

820 missions including 70 with the Fw 190; destroyed one submarine, 3 ships, 88 tanks, 13 bridges and two trains. Rescued three aircrews as well as Lt Fritsche. Seriously wounded two or three times. Shot down 15 July, 1941 by Pe-2 bomber return fire, he was captured by Soviet troops, but was liberated by German soldiers six days later.

Maj Franz "Fritz" Kieslich, StG-168, 7/StG-77, Stfkpt 7/StG-77, Kdr III/SG-77 (Sardinia 10/43), Kdr Erg/SG-148 Ju 87D in Oct, 1943, Fw 190F G in III/SG-77.

1078 missions including 40 with the Fw 190. Shot down 20 times, many with crash landings, one bail out, one wounding. Destroyed 21500 BRT of supply shipping, one destroyer and one submarine, damaging another destroyer and submarine. Last mission flown on 18 February, 1945. His last assignment seems to be Kdr II/SG-151, flying the Fw 190F G and the Ju 87 G.
Hummm .. I think you don't have enough of your own life to build them all.
:lol: and so it begins

Oblt Erich Hanne, III/StG-1 (2/42), 7/StG-1 Ju 87D.

KIA 5 September, 1942 after atacking Soviet tanks and an AA position in Mikhailovskyi, northeast of Mga, south of Lake Ladoga S.U.. His AC took a direct flak hit. Hanne ordered his R/O , Ogefr Büchner to bail out, which he did. The AC went into a spin, trapping Hanne. 538 missions, destroying 16 tanks, 26 AA guns, 2 armored and 4 supply trains, 9 pillboxes and bridges.

Oblt Helmut Hannemann, 10(Pz)/SG-2 He 111, Ju 88, Ju 87.

311 missions; 77 tanks destroyed.

Hptm Wilfried Herling, 7/StG-2, Stfkpt 7/StG-2 Ju 87.

KIA 28 November, 1943 near the Bolsh-Kostromka-Nord airfield, when the returning unit was jumped by enemy fighters, and the Ju 87 of RK Holder Lt Hans Krumminga was hit by German flak and rammed Herling's AC. Both AC crashed and burned, killing both crews. 700 missions; destroying 26 tanks, 10 AA guns, 21 Field guns, 6 supply and 2 armored trains plus additional shipping damage.

Obstlt Paul-Werner Hozzel, Stfkpt 2/StG-1, Kdr I/StG-1 (9/39 Elbing, 8/40 Angers), Kdr StG-2 Ju 87B-2, Ju 87R in 12/41.

Russian POW until 16 January, 1956. Was the first Stuka pilot to receive the RK. Approx 400 close support and anti-shipping missions. Best known for the latter. On 16 January, 1941, led his Staffel against the British carrier "Illustrious" docked in Valatta harbor. Only he survived.

Oblt Otto Hulsch, 8/StG-1, 7/SG-1 Ju 87, Fw 190F.

KIA 16 January, 1945 in his Fw 190, being attacked by no less than 10 Il 2's, 6 La 5's and Yak 9's. His AC burned on impact. 600+ missions (exact number unknown) destroying 34 tanks, 8 flak guns and very successful at attacking trains.

Hptm Egbert Jaekel, 3/StG-2, Stfkpt 2/StG-2 (5/43 S.U.) Ju 87D-3.

KIA 17 July, 1943 during a dogfight with Soviet La 5's and was shot down after having himself downed a Soviet fighter. His AC crashed out of 200 meters and burned on impact. His faithful R/O and rear gunner, Ofw Fritz Jentzsh was also killed. 983 missions sinking a cruiser and destroyer in Crete and later a direct hit on a soviet cruiser, Minsk, in Kronstadt harbor. One known aerial victory, a Soviet Spitfire on 28 May, 1943. A 2nd, a LaGG-5 on 5 July, 1943. Nominated for the Oak Leaves.

Maj Karl Janke, 8/StG-2, 9/StG-2, Stfkpt 5/StG-2, 7/StG-2 Ju 87.

Approximately 500 missions destroying 5000 BRT, 32 tanks, 3 armored trains and 3 important bridges.

Oblt Hans-Joachim Jäschke, II/StG-1(2/42), II/SG-1, Stfkpt 4 5 SG-1 Ju 87, Fw 190F-8 Werk # 581002 "White A" (lost KIA).

KIA 21 July, 1944 during a strafing attack on columns on the road from Kleszcsele Hungary westward, when his Fw 190F-8 received a flak hit in the tank and crashed in flames at Map Quadrant 33/39.. 553 missions destroying 78 tanks, 27 guns, 100+ trucks and 11 bridges.

Lt Jakob Jenster, 7/StG-1, Flt Instr at Graz, 6/StG-2, 10 (Pz)/SG-2 Ju 87.

Soviet POW until September, 1949. Handed over to Soviets 16 May, 1945. 960 missions including 360 anti-tank missions, destroying over 100 tanks with his "cannon aircraft".

Oblt Wilhelm Joswig, 8/StG-1, StG-77, 9/SG-2 Ju 87, Fw 190F.

820 missions including 70 with the Fw 190; destroyed one submarine, 3 ships, 88 tanks, 13 bridges and two trains. Rescued three aircrews as well as Lt Fritsche. Seriously wounded two or three times. Shot down 15 July, 1941 by Pe-2 bomber return fire, he was captured by Soviet troops, but was liberated by German soldiers six days later.

Maj Franz "Fritz" Kieslich, StG-168, 7/StG-77, Stfkpt 7/StG-77, Kdr III/SG-77 (Sardinia 10/43), Kdr Erg/SG-148 Ju 87D in Oct, 1943, Fw 190F G in III/SG-77.

1078 missions including 40 with the Fw 190. Shot down 20 times, many with crash landings, one bail out, one wounding. Destroyed 21500 BRT of supply shipping, one destroyer and one submarine, damaging another destroyer and submarine. Last mission flown on 18 February, 1945. His last assignment seems to be Kdr II/SG-151, flying the Fw 190F G and the Ju 87 G.
I do actually sleep....hanging upside down. :lol: Got one of my books about the Stuka and it's a machine in there that begs to be done...in other words, cool camouflage!
Here you go son.....:D


I noticed that the StG2 used numbers on the wheel spats with Stab II./StG2 having a white 2, but, another machine from 4./StG is also numbered 2. As it says with one of the pics in the book....."Note the aircraft letter L and the numeral 11 on the undercarriage fairing. When Gruppen consisted of three Staffeln, some letters were not used in the aircraft code systems, hence the slight mismatch between the L, the twelfth letter of the alphabet and the and the 11"

Was the StG2 the only Geschwader to use this numeral system, how did it work and has anyone ever seen a.....well you know, a 13? :oops:

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