Chief Master Sergeant
Wouldn't the statistics during the BOB be skewed a bit that alledgedly the Spits were supposed to go after the 109s (far more dangerous than the bombers) and the Hurricanes were supposed to go after the bombers. An example how stats can be misleading: In the Pacific, the Hellcat had 5257 kills and only 270 losses to enemy AC, Really good ratio. The Corsair had 2155 kills and 189 losses to enemy AC. Very clear that Hellcat better than Corsair. Right? Not necessarily. On a closer look, Hellcat shot down 1445 bombers and 3718 fighters, while Corsair shot down only 478 bombers but killed 1662 fighters. Add to that the Corsair was in action several months before Hellcat in the Solomons when there were many veteran IJN pilots still around. Corsairs were proportionately much more likely to be engaged against fighters with veteran pilots than were Hellcats. Stats can be deceiving.