Hawker Hurricane sub collection - current project

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Many thanks guys

My father has finished two more Hurricane thanks to our friend Luis who is building special decals for this project.

These are the photos

61) Hurricane Mk IIB BH125 U 3 PRU Agartala, India November 1942

62) Hurricane Mk IIB BM969 3 PRU Agartala, India November 1942

All our overall Bouson Blue Hurricanes together.

These four are almost finished. We are waiting for the special decals that our friend Luis is making for us. We expect to receive them during this week.

63) Hurricane Mk I DODO INST (for non-flying instructional Airframe) 257 - 151 OTU, SFTS Service Flying Training School - Ambala, India – 1945
(Es un Hurricane con tren triciclo y con 3 asientos).
64) Hurricane Mk IIC ZY-S BD936 - 247 Sqn - Exter – 1942
65) Hurricane Mk IIC LK-? HL864 - 87 Sqn -Charmy Down - September 1942
66) Hurricane Mk IIC "Last of Many" PZ865 - Langley – 1944

My father is currently building these 5 Hurricane which are almost ready for decals.

67) Hurricane Mk IIC Z3092/G - A&AEE - November 1942
68) Hurricane Mk IIC FI-D LF380 - 83 Sqn - Peplow - June 1944
69) Hurricane Mk IIC X50/X ???? - 521 Sqn - Docking - September 1944 (Meteorológico)
70) Hurricane Mk IIC MW339 - 1555 Flight Northolt (ADLS: Air Depach Letter Service) - June 1944
71) Hurricane Mk IIC DR-H MW339 - 1555 Flight Northolt (ADLS: Air Depach Letter Service) - Middle 1944 (Same aircraft differents moments -different camouflage )

Thank for your comments.

What kind of information are you looking for?. We have a very good book called "Winds of Thunder" which deals with the history of many Anglo Argentine volunteers which flew with the RAF.

Many thanks Wayne

My father has finished another Hurricane. Here are some photos

63) Hurricane Mk I DODO INST (for non-flying instructional Airframe) INST 257 - 151 OTU, SFTS Service Flying Training School - Ambala, India – 1945


Three more Hurricane are done. Here are the photos

Hurricane Mk I PO/X P2632 - 46 Sqn - Aboard HMS Gloriosus - May 1st 1940

Hurricane Mk IIC LK-? HL864 - 87 Sqn - Charmy Down - September 1942

Hurricane Mk IIC PZ865 Langley 1944 (Last of the Many).

Hi guys

Many thanks for your comments.

Thanks to Luis, our friend who is making the decals for many of these Hurricane, my father could finished 3 more models. Here are the pictures.

Hurricane Mk IIC Z3092/G - A&AEE - November 1942. It was tested with rockets (250lbs).

Hurricane Mk IIC MW339 - 1555 Flight Northolt (ADLS: Air Depach Letter Service) - June 1944

Hurricane Mk IIC DR-H MW339 - 1555 Flight Northolt (ADLS: Air Depach Letter Service) - Middle 1944

All together so far (71 done out of 105).

These Hurricane are already done but we are waiting the decals
Hurricane Mk IIC BD936 ZY-S 247 Exter 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC FI-D LF380 - 83 Sqn - Peplow - June 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC X50/X ???? - 521 Sqn - Docking - September 1944 (Meteorológico)

The next batch of Hurricane will include the following aircrafts:
Hurricane Mk XII 1365 1 OTU Bagotville (RCAF) 1943
Hurricane Mk IIC Z2905 (P) A&AEE February 1942
Huricane Mk IID BP188 JV-Z 6 Egyptian desert Mid 1942
Huricane Mk IID KX413 FJ-M 164 Middle Wallop Summer 1943 F/S "Dickie" Wilson RAFVR. (Anglo Argentine pilot).
Really nice project compliments ! , you like the Hurricane plane?, I have only 2 kits about this plane I remember when I was a child I saw a real Hurricane in an airshow (Ambri), it was a good machine...
My thanks to all of you guys for your kindly comments.

All our models are in 1/72 scale.

My father has finished another batch of 4 Hurricane. Here are the photos

72) Hurricane Mk IID JV-Z BP188 – 6 Sqn - Egyptian desert - Mid 1942

73) Hurricane Mk IID FJ-M KX413 – "Argentine British" 164 Squadron – Summer 1943

"Argentine British" 164 Squadron; 1943. Carrying 40 mm cannon, Flight Sergeant "Dickie" Wilson RAFVR.
Reference: Wings of Thunder from Claudio Meuneir

74) Hurricane Mk XII 16 1365 - 1 OUT - Bagotville (RCAF) - 1943

This Hurricane was the CO's Hurricane at Bagotville with the whole nose section yellow, called "The >Bouncer".
Reference from Jim Bates and Jerry Vernon via Norman Malayney.

75) Hurricane Mk IIc Z2905 (P) – A&AEE - February 1942.
It was used for trails with auxiliary tanks of 88 gallons.

Unfortunately the yellow P is out of register and will be replace.

The next batch will include the following Hurricanes:

Hurricane Mk IIB AX-H BD888 – 1 SAAF –November 1941
Hurricane Mk XII 20 5686 - 1 OUT - Bagotville (RCAF) – 1943
Hurricane Mk IIC DB-H 5307 - 11 OTU SAAF - Port Elizabeth, South Africa – 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC 5336 - 11 OTU SAAF - Waterloof– 1946

Best regards
Hi to All

My father has finished a new batch of Hurricane. Here are the photos.

87) Hurricane Mk IV BP173 - Boscombe Down - Agosto 1942

88) Hurricane Mk IV S / - 34 Sqn - Melktila, Burma - Julio1945

89)Hurricane Mk V KZ193 - A&AEE Boscombe Down – Noviembre 1943

These are all the Hurricane which are almost ready. We are waiting the special decals which our friend Luis Cid is making for us.

Hurricane Mk IIC ZY-S BD936 - 247 Sqn - Exter – 1942
Hurricane Mk IIC FI-D LF380 - 83 Sqn - Peplow - June 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC X50/X ???? - 521 Sqn - Docking - September 1944 (Meteorológico)
Hurricane Mk IIB AX-H BD888 – 1 SAAF –November 1941
Hurricane Mk IIC DB-H 5307 - 11 OTU SAAF - Port Elizabeth, South Africa – 1944
Hurricane Mk IIC 5336 - 11 OTU SAAF - Waterloof– 1946
Hurricane Mk IIB F / BM936 - 136 Sqn Burma 1943 - Anglo Argentine Pilot Officer Ian "Ñaña" Adamson
Hurricane Mk IIC MU-L / LF264 - 60 Sqn - Burma - 1944 - Anglo Argentine pilot Sqn Leader Richard (suertudo) Lindsell DFC, RCAFVR, OC

And these are the Hurricane for the next batch

90) Hurricane Mk IIB C / AP894 - 135 Sqn – Yelahanka, India (East Bengal) – March/May 1943
91) Hurricane Mk IV FJ-B / KX540 – 164 Sqn – Manston – September 1943
92) Hurricane Mk IV KZ706 A&AEE Boscombe Down – 1944/45
93) Hurricane Mk IV O / LD975 – 351 Sqn Yugoslav – Prkos Yugoslavia – May 1945
94) Hurricane Mk IV C – 6 Sqn – Prkos Yugoslavia – April/May 1945


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