- 6
- Dec 29, 2024
HHello everyone,
I am new here. I have been simmers and modders for many decades since 1990s. I am happy to have found this place.
I grew up with great passiosn in military aviation of earliest era (WWI) to end of cold war (end of 1990s). I am somewhere fan of modern era. My most favorite era is early cold war (post war of late 1940s to end of 1970s), along with the golden age (1920s to 1930s).
I have seen this forum often but never took thhe chance to registry and be part of the community. I have been simmers and modders for many decades, since 1990s and have been to different forum from SimHQ to CombatAce to SAS1946 to many another. My forum name is known as Eagle114th. I am using new name HappyTotoro becasue I like Totoro.
I look forward learning and exchanging the information and knowlege in military aircraft and I am open to any topics from historical points of view (WWI to modern) along with alternative 'what if' world, such as 1946 situations, as well experimental / prototype aircraft. "What if' in semi-realistic ways if one of my favorite toipc. For example, I always wondered what would have it been if Hughes Falcon series have beena ble to continue with the development of XAIM-4H and another AAMs while advancing F-106s furthers?
Right now i mw working on two things; Gathering the informaiton / document on various aircraft for library and modding projects for various sims, such as Jane's USAF and Strike Fighter 2.
By the way, as 2025 approaches, let's do our best to enjoy the last week of 2024 and make the best out of new year 2025!
I am new here. I have been simmers and modders for many decades since 1990s. I am happy to have found this place.
I grew up with great passiosn in military aviation of earliest era (WWI) to end of cold war (end of 1990s). I am somewhere fan of modern era. My most favorite era is early cold war (post war of late 1940s to end of 1970s), along with the golden age (1920s to 1930s).
I have seen this forum often but never took thhe chance to registry and be part of the community. I have been simmers and modders for many decades, since 1990s and have been to different forum from SimHQ to CombatAce to SAS1946 to many another. My forum name is known as Eagle114th. I am using new name HappyTotoro becasue I like Totoro.
I look forward learning and exchanging the information and knowlege in military aircraft and I am open to any topics from historical points of view (WWI to modern) along with alternative 'what if' world, such as 1946 situations, as well experimental / prototype aircraft. "What if' in semi-realistic ways if one of my favorite toipc. For example, I always wondered what would have it been if Hughes Falcon series have beena ble to continue with the development of XAIM-4H and another AAMs while advancing F-106s furthers?
Right now i mw working on two things; Gathering the informaiton / document on various aircraft for library and modding projects for various sims, such as Jane's USAF and Strike Fighter 2.
By the way, as 2025 approaches, let's do our best to enjoy the last week of 2024 and make the best out of new year 2025!