Help finding WW2 service records

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Hastings lad

Apr 19, 2020
Hi my granddad fought in WW2 sadly he died before I was born. He had two girls so didn't really talk much to them about the war. I have his medals but no paper work other then his certificate of Dunkirk which has a number at the bottom right, but I have no idea where to use the number. Any help would be amazing
I'm presuming you're British? Which service? Army, navy, air force? If you are a Brit, personal service records dating after 1920 are held by the Ministry of Defence. You will have to prove ancestry to the individual in question and pay a fee before you can access the records. Take a gander at The National Archive website, which will point you in the right direction:

Research guides - The National Archives
Ok thanks so much, il look at the site cheers. Yes I'm a brit I'm pretty sure he was in the army but like I said im not to sure. I have pictures of him in the army but one is a post cards, on the front is a picture of him and his friends on the bottom right it says 209. Do you no if this was something that was done in the war or something made from him after as it's not filled out on the back?
On the one bit of paper i do have it does say royal artillery and so not the 209 as just found on Google that's RAF not RA. I wont to find out all the stories behind each medals but these are the mean two things I'm interested in now as there with the one bit of paper work I do have so hoping it will make the other easier.
I'm pretty sure this is the RA 57th 313 unit
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if you can share a picture of the medals that can tell us a lot and I should be able to ID them for you. 209 could be he squadron number if RAF, but could also be the battery number if Royal Artillery, or could have no bearing at all.

Afternoon H Hastings lad , I assume that what you have are campaign awards, the '39 - '45 star, France and Germany star with the Dunkirk clasp, War Medal and Defence Medal? I believe there is also an award from the French Government for all Dunkirk survivors? The U.K. issued awards were issued to all service personnel, un-named and without paperwork. If your Grandad had any bravery awards, his name and service number will be engraved around the edge with a citation giving the where, when and why and possibly a copy of the entry in the London Gazette, this includes, though without a name, "mentioned in dispatches", an Oak leaf, diagonally across the award ribbon.
If your lucky enough to have your Gran, with her signed approval, you can apply for his service records, which as a still living family member, should be free. Have a look at the Government site, but if I remember correctly the surviving records are at RAF Innsworth in Gloucestershire. Whatever you have, be proud of your Grandad, and prouder that having 'done his bit', he came home.
All the best, and I hope you find what your looking for.
Hi thank you so much you have been a massive help. thanks yes I am proud and deeply grateful to everyone for the efforts big or small or people like you keeping the information alive. Saddle my nan has pasted but I do have the bit of paper work with his name on it, which like you said was not provide as my mum said it took a long time to get the paper work. Hopeful my mum can do it as she's his daughter it does have an number at the bottom right which I think Is his issue number. But you have to pay and with everything going on right now I don't have the money. Thanks agian for you help
Hi thanks Terry I have found out he was part of the 251 battery but it was merged about 40 time so 209 might of been one of them or it might be random. It was the 84th before it was dispanded but it was mainly the 2nd Cinque ports thanks for your message and help offered
Evening H Hastings lad , if I'm reading it right, sorry to hear about your Nan. Regarding service records, if your Mum is the eldest surviving child, she can apply for the information at no cost to her. Mum will have to sign the request, available on line, you'll be the one to fill it out. The one thing you WILL need is your Grandad's service number.
If you have any old letters from the War Department (MoD now) his service number will be on the address label. Hope this is of some help. Paul

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