Great stuff, and I agree entirely. Like yourself and Chris, I too am a 'writer', of sorts. I recently finished a full-length novel, and I'm four chapters into the sequel. A few years ago, I started on a 'factional' novel, centred around a young Luftwaffe pilot, from the fall of France, to the end of the war in Europe, so I understand what you mean about getting all the little bits and pieces right, and as authentic as possible. That one I haven't done anything about, but the first one mentioned was very well received by a publisher, but unfortunately not the right publisher! How the h*ll anyone gets published in the UK is beyond me!
Anyway, as the period, and service you are covering is one of my pet 'loves', and I have, or have had, a number of friends and/or others who served in Bomber Command, and have experience of many of the former (or still operational) RAF bases, and a little knowledge on the Lanc, having been in two,flown in one, if I can help in any way, just shout. Meanwhile, I'm still chipping away at the info I promised you, and hope to have something in the mail by the weekend.