High Planes 1/48th Scale Conquest 1 Bearcat

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Senior Airman
Feb 6, 2009
Well, technically I guess it is the American Jet version but it will always be Conquest in my eyes. After watching a ton of build videos on youtube I thought it would be fun to try it. It will be 5 parts, 1-3 are completed with the third going up tomorrow. If the sun ever stays out long enough here in Ohio I'll get some proper photos of the finished model. Something good has to come from this virus shutdown.


Thanks Fubar, it's a great little kit and the only game in town for this scale. Building on camera really keeps you honest...someday I'll post a blooper reel
Part 4 is up...one more to go! The decals came apart as I applied them and I left a good bit of this footage in the video. They all came back together after a lot of water, floating the pieces and melting with MIcro Sol. I've got a 1/48 Tamiya Corsair in the works now.


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