highest kill ratio

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Mar 28, 2009
what is the highest kill ratio ever

i will assumed either p-51 or hellcat

what is that ratio

what was the highest killing ration during vietnam

whats the ratio
In the Pacific the Hellcat was 19:1 and the Corsair was 11:1. Not sure about any others, though I would imagine the USAAF and RAF ratios in Europe were somewhat lower
I was always under the impression the ME262's ratio wasn't that hot as many were shot down on takeoff or landing?

Many were shot down while landing taking off, but even that taken into account the kill/loss ratio is around 6:1. Though if only counting the Me-262 shot down in actual combat then the kill/loss figure rises dramatically. How high I am not sure.
Fair enough, I stand corrected. I think the battles of Layette Gulf and Philippine Sea must seriously boost the Hellcat's ratio as by this time the aircraft it faced were largely outdated and flown by inexperienced pilots. Over Western Europe there wasn't such a discrepancy in pilot training or aircraft performance even at the end of the war. Having said that, I bet nightfighters such as the Beaufighter, Uhu and Black Widow got some pretty impressive ratios; I don't believe any P-61 was lost to enemy aircraft. Also the RAF Thunderbolts never suffered an air to air loss, but fighter oppositoin was limited
Many were shot down while landing taking off, but even that taken into account the kill/loss ratio is around 6:1. Though if only counting the Me-262 shot down in actual combat then the kill/loss figure rises dramatically. How high I am not sure.
It downed 500 allied planes and it was shot down 100 times....So that would be a 5.9:1 kill-to-loss ratio.
WW II has got to be the F6F as has been previously stated.


Me-262? Too small a sampling since only about 250 ever saw combat. How many kills could they have had?

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TO roughly 400 kills possibly to the Me 262 units. over 500 alone are accredited to JG 7 but that is too high

Erich, this from Wiki, sounds reasonable.....

The Me 262 had a negligible impact on the course of the war due to its late introduction, with 509 claimed Allied kills (although higher claims are sometimes made) against the loss of more than 100 Me 262s.

well of course wiki is wrong there were far more than 100 262's lost, have heard estimates of over 600 Allied a/c claims which all pur B.S. in my studies on this crate for over 40 plus years.

the 100 losses alone could be attributed to just the US 8th AF.

E ~
Around 1,200 Me-262's were destroyed, by strafing, bombing etc etc.. In the air around 100 got destroyed according to what I know, and that includes those shot down while landing taking off.
Around 1,200 Me-262's were destroyed, by strafing, bombing etc etc.. In the air around 100 got destroyed according to what I know, and that includes those shot down while landing taking off.

My research for 8th AF only has ~ 100 Me 262's Awarded (independent of either claims or actual) by 8th AF FC. The ratio's for Mustangs was ~ 10.7:1, the P-47's ~ 7.5:1 and the P-38's were ~ 2.6:1

These are 1.) Air Awards as recorded first by 8th AF VCB, then revised by USAF Study 85., 2.) reflect air combat awards against both known air combat losses and 'unknown cause' for which enemy aircraft were noted in the area.. this ratio does include mid air collisioons between 8th AF fighters during a bounce, or a collision with a Luftwaffe fighter or its debris.

The losses due to accidents caused by weather or loss of engine power, etc - or flak, or collisions with ground during strafing, or mechanical failures, coolant loss, etc are not part of the air to air ratio.

All 8th AF.

I'm researching8th AF losses to Me 262s but these are almost impossible to glean from official Luftwaffe records - which were mostly lost at the end of the war.

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