Hillary for President!!!

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Glock Perfection
Apr 12, 2005
Washington State
I'd vote for a dog turd before I voted for this woman.


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Nope. I think they are already split and only keep the semblance of a normal life to further their aspirations. Both of them live a life of lies.
I do wonder...................ah no I don't................I'd sure like to send them both to Iraq right now to the front lines with shoot me signs posted on their fat ass's
I'd vote for a dog turd before I voted for this woman.

I dont know about Hilary, but if I was an American, I might consider Obama, alot of his veiws and policies I support, but I would want someone who can compitently handle the situation in Iraq, who can entrust more responsibilty and decision making to the Military
And from him, you'll get the exact opposite. He talks a good talk but he's another closet socialist.
what is the real nut-cracker here gents is that both the demos and repubs are back tracking every turn they get............ when asked on the issues one statement is made and then a week later in most all cases the reverse happens. Our present pres is trying to make a comeback on a rebound but is failing his wind was taken out of him when the demos secured the house, appearance is everything and he doesn't give a rats ass anymore

guess it is a matter of whom are you going to trust.............

in this case I vote a big fat 0 for 2008 right now ~
He's scary. He reminds me of Alan Keyes. A fantastic orator. But when you really listen to what he is saying you run for the hills.
go independent and he may have my vote, and hey give me back my stinking land instead of governmental land grabbing.............morons
You too huh. We had a landowner who wanted to develop their land, but upon inspection was told that he could not take down any trees on his undeveloped property. Why? Eagle's nest. Law forbid taking any trees in a 150yd radius.
not to get too off topic but in my region and Bill Marshall knows this as well as he lives close to me, BLM and Fish and Game should be ashamed and return the lands they have stolen from us, if there wasn't so much screwing off with the govt, our county would not be in such dire straits as it is now with sheriff/police protection on the brink of non-existance. It's a total crime beyond reason with so much mis-management of funds and the shuffling of job positions illegally. I do see why crime is such a problem here in the south part of the great state of Ory-gun


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