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HeliumThat would be interesting. What material melts at 5 Kelvin?
I thought this belonged here.
Someone talking about the moon landing
35000 degrees is quite a claim I would say.
Well, he's at least not over the moon…Obviously that person must have been high on catnip, or drunk on Buckfast....maybe even both!
Funny how "life experience" changes things, I cant ever remember being told about that but I grew up watching fires being lit, long before I can remember, I was either told or figured it out. By the time I was eight I could get our front room coke fire going just with newspapers.I once was in charge of some Civil Air Patrol cadets on a camp out and one cadet brought her little brother because no one else could look after him. I found him with a lit match against the side of a ten inch thick log trying to start a fire. As an adult with children of my own, I tried to explain why he could not get it hot enough, needed small sticks, etc, with no result. His sister saw the discussion, walked over, smacked him side of the head, and yelled, "Stop it stupid". His response, "I almost got it".
Solid helium melts at -272K and absolute zero is -273.15K, so it melts at 1.15K. But solid helium must be under pressure of 2500kPa (363psi) at <1degK or it stays a liquid, no matter what.That would be interesting. What material melts at 5 Kelvin?
-A very common sense attitude. When I receive those warnings I heed them.My anti virus blocked that site. It may be a false positive but I am not going to take the risk
Yeah, so I kept scrolling and it showed another article below it stating weapons too dangerous for war or something like that. #1 was landminesAnother contribution from an automotive site: The 11 Worst Fighter Jets Of All Time The 11 Worst Fighter Jets Of All Time - SlashGear
Weren"t they just paraphrasing Marcus Aurelius?
I thought this belonged here.
Someone talking about the moon landing
35000 degrees is quite a claim I would say.